So SICK of low-carb dieting!

I am 27, I weigh 199.6 pounds, and I love carbs.

I have decided I will never do a low-carb diet again! So, I searched for an online calorie counter and found myself signing up here... I can do this =)

I am currently at (blah!) 199.6 pounds and I vowed 8 years ago to never allow myself over 200 again (in high school I was my all-time heaviest at 215). I originally got down to 170 in college- then moved in with my boyfriend, got married, and got a full-time job.

South Beach phase 1/2 always worked to take the weight off quickly, but I am such a carb-o-holic I cannot sustain. I have been tracking my food for 2 days now and I am pretty excited about my prospects. I want all of my old clothes to fit again (or dare I hope, become too big?!).

So here I am with bells on... add me, fellow carb lovers!

Now, I am off to figure out how to post a picture of myself.


  • rsmithy89
    rsmithy89 Posts: 174 Member
    I am a carb lover but I am doing low carb dieting.

    The results are excellent. You just need to get enough fats in to feel good.

    Add me if youd like :)
  • sarahdawnross
    sarahdawnross Posts: 13 Member
    Same boat as you- I LOVE carbs. Pasta especially, covered in any kind of sauce.
    But I too am doing low carb. I started at 225 and got down to 200 by just eating better (not low carb). I plateaued at that point, which is when I started low carb- and I lost an additional 15 pounds, it was great!
    But I missed my carbs so very dearly and went back to eating them. With the help of a little exercise, I maintained my weight even WITH the carbs. But, after about 6 months of bread-filled heaven, reality has struck that I want to reach my goal by the summer!
    I'm 2 weeks into low carb and I'm eating <20g of carbs a day.
    I've found a lot of great websites, recipes, and tips -- so feel free to ask if you need any advice.

    Your sister in carbohydrates
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    I did low carb in high school and lost about 30lbs that I totally gained back after I started eating them again which was inevitable. it also made me tired and b!tchyy. I have just focused on more healthy foods in general and it has worked for me!
  • Mandanne
    Mandanne Posts: 10 Member
    I have gone 2 days without carbs and it is already killing me. I do not think that is the path I want to take. I love carbs and it is hard for me to regulate my portions when it comes to them. I believe this site will help me!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    You don't have to do low carb to lose weight. You just need to keep your total calories under you calorie goal.

    I've lost 21 lbs sofar and enjoy carby foods daily.
  • xMedullaOblongatax
    Low carb killed me, but it works WONDERS for some people. If it doesn't work for you, don't do it! If you have been around the block with the low-carb diet and it's killing you, then you should find a food plan that works for you. You don't want a diet that leaves you in misery, you quit out of frustration, and gain all that weight back. I am doing calorie-counting with exercise, and thats working out well for me.

    Some people can get some killer results with low-carb dieting, but it's not for everyone. Again, do what works best for you!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    You don't have to do low carb to lose weight. You just need to keep your total calories under you calorie goal.

    I've lost 21 lbs sofar and enjoy carby foods daily.

    Exactly! I just don't see the point in heavily restricting a whole macro-nutrient group, though I do think avoiding highly processed/fake foods is a good plan, and that often cuts out a lot of carbs.

    Try eating the cals that MFP recommends and do some regular exercise - it really is that easy and works well for so many people!
  • Cat_296
    Cat_296 Posts: 40
    Hey there - if you hate low-carb diets (which actually aren't great for your health!!) then try a mediterranean/Italian style diet. Plenty of carbs, the cooking is seriously easy and it has some fab health effects. Overall I've found that I have loads of energy and I don't get grumpy! :drinker: