Quit smoking...3 years and 80 pounds later, here I am.

My name is Jen. I am 32 years old. April 5th 2009 I quit smoking. Since them I gained 80 pounds! I didn't realize the weight I put on because I work at home and can wear elastic wasted pants. Ok...who am I kidding. I can wear my pj's all day!

I started having terrible sciatic nerve pain, I realized I couldn't breathe to trim my toe nails. I was buying loofahs with handles to reach my feet. I developed plantar factitious, and my feet and back hurt every day!! I couldn't take a bath and be totally covered with water, so I weighed myself... 255!!!!!!!!! When did that happen. I tried Weight Watchers online and it was not user friendly. It seemed like the food I would try to enter only allowed me to enter restaurant food. Just using myfitnesspal.com today I saw how easy this is going to be.

I joined the YMCA Friday. This morning I was looking for an app to count calories and apparently I downloaded this app back in August...i noticed all the social networking the app had, so I jumped on line and here I am. I have over 100 pounds to lose and this time I will do it!!


  • jmatney79
    I can't believe all the support here!! I can't wait to give it back!
  • krinipoos
    krinipoos Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Jen, i'm also new, i quit smoking and gained way too weight much too. I'm 31. So we're very simlar..............would you like my encouragement in turn from a bit back? Ifso, feel free to add me :-)

    I'm just trying to change all my eating habits, together with myfitnessmay calorie counter. So far i think im doing ok and enjoying it. I haven't quite managed to exercise yet :-/ i will though.

    My fisrt weigh-in is this Thursday. Is it weird that i'm looking foward to it? lol.

    Good luck with your weight loss

  • EddieG77
    EddieG77 Posts: 185 Member
    Welcome and congrats on joining!! We are ALL on the same mission!!! Would love to offer you support!!! Let's make 2012 OUR YEAR!!! Anyone else, please feel free to add!! I am on here every day!!!
  • missy_1975
    missy_1975 Posts: 244 Member
    Congrats on quitting! I quit March 2003 and it was my proudest achievement. I also packed on 30lbs as I thought I'm not smoking therefore I need to "treat" myself. I gained the 30lbs in less than 3 months, which is ridiculous! I used quitting smoking as an excuse for my weight gain until I joined MFP. Been the best thing ever and the support is fantastic. It hasn't always been an easy journey, but everytime I fall down one of my MFP frinds is there to pick me up (or give me a kindly boot up the *kitten* to make me see sense and not give up :laugh: )
  • Skyzeternalblue
    Skyzeternalblue Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Jen! I'm 33 and quit smoking 9 months and 24 days ago! Congrats for saying goodbye to smoking!! One feat down!!

    I, too, gained weight after quitting.... and just couldn't get serious about exercise. Well, it's a new year and I need to start somewhere! I'm a newbie to these msg boards :)

    So let's get rid of the 80lbs together :)

  • RiverTom
    RiverTom Posts: 216 Member
    I have over 100 pounds to lose and this time I will do it!!

    Hi! I thought I take the time to welcome you as someone who's been there and over the last almost 3 years have lost the weight I wanted to lose and more. For the second half of my weight loss journey Slimming World has been a great help.

    Welcome to myfitnesspal. Happy to help with questions if I can answer them.


  • sirihermine
    sirihermine Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome!! (I just quit smoking 4 motnhs ago, and that's one of the reasons I'm here. :) Feel free to add me if you want friends for support.
  • jmatney79
    I carry so much weight on my 5'2" frame that exercising is my MORTAL enemy. Especially with the heel pain. I bought a zoo pass and started walking the zoo every morning, but its been cold. I think that is just an excuse because its not too cold in NC. I was able to walk 3.75 miles in an hour and 15 minutes. But here comes another excuse...shin splints. I have a terrible confession...my husband had his wisdom tooth pulled and ended up with a few vicodin. All I could think about was getting rid of my pain with pills, but I realized I can't keep hopping from addiction to addiction...smoking to eating to pill popping. So I am working through the pain with Advil only to get rid of this weight the right way.
    I joined the YMCA and I swam this morning for 45 minutes. It was great, I felt my heart rate up and I got out of breath so I know I did something. On Biggest Loser, they focus more on exercise than nutrition. That stinks for us...
  • jmatney79
    Ok after seeing your weight loss ticker, you are officially my inspiration :)
  • lynnsremake
    I also quit smoking about 6 yers ago and feel your pain of having gained weight. I have packed on 50 pounds and have been in and out of weight watchers since then. It just doesn't work for me. My daughter found this site from one of her face book friends and wanted me to try it with her. So far I love the user friendly tools and have been diligent about tracking my food. This is the start of week 2 for me and I have already dropped 3 pounds. I look forward to seeing my little "weight tracker frog" burn rubber to my goal weight. The best of luck to everyone praying to see the last of our ugly pounds.
  • lucentabella
    lucentabella Posts: 114 Member
    I definitely understand gaining weight after having quit smoking. I told myself, if I quit this year and I gain weight, I'll work on weight loss the next year. I didn't want to put too much on myself. I'm glad I quit. I just seriously underestimated how much weight I would gain! Congrats on not smoking! I wish you success in your weightloss!
  • aimeercole
    Welcome! I quit smoking 413 days ago (who's counting hu?). I started running as a way to keep from sliding back to smoking. I didn't gain much weight (like 5-10 pounds) but I didn't lose any despite all the running and I had about 15 to lose to start with. I wasn't too hard on myself because hey let's admit it, quitting smoking is TOUGH! Now that I am a year out and getting ready to run my second half marathon I feel every extra pound with each mile. I really just started back with MFP Monday. It works if you do it. This time I have to do it. No excuses. You are going to do great. If you can quit smoking, what can't you do!!!! Friend me if you want support! Good luck, and again WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    I actually remember losing significant weight WHILE smoking about 8 years ago....so when I quit for good in 2006 I definitely gained weight. I still deal with the oral fixation every day and just the needing to have something to occupy my hands. It's such a struggle. I'm so proud of anyone who quits smoking...whether they gain weight, lose weight or stay the same size. WAY TO GO GUYS!!
  • Dnc2Luz
    Dnc2Luz Posts: 33
    Hello, I'm new too. We can do it. One good choice at a time :) !!
  • CriminalMIndsFan
    It must be the year to quit smoking. One of my resolutions this year is that I'm going to quit. I am smoking my last pack now. Once the pack I have now is gone that's it I'm done. Number one it's too expensive. Number two it's bad for your health and I have just gotten engaged to a wonderful man and I want to be around for a long time for. Number three we are planning on having a family and I want to be healthy for our children. It's interesting though because I have tried, and failed, to stop smoking before and have lost weight every time but gained the weight back when I started smoking again.
  • magicsd77
    In March it will be 3 years smoke free for me! And .... I also gained 30 pounds! I just started again in January to get this off once and for all..... when the scale hit 200 on New Years Eve, that was enough for me. Everyone feel free to add me!
  • jessicalgetts
    :smile: You are taking all the right steps! I love all the classes that the YMCA offers, we were members in our old town that had one. Don't have one here so joined a different gym. Happy to see you on here and looking forward to following your progress. We can encourage each other all the way!:smile:2032846.png
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Hi, I'm Nicole. Congrats on quitting smoking and wanting to lose weight! You can do it! This site is amazing, and feel free to add me as a friend if you would like some extra support!
  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,847 Member
    Welcome Jen! Congrats on quitting smoking, and I wish you nothing but success in your journey here!! :flowerforyou:
  • DBiddle69
    DBiddle69 Posts: 682 Member
    Ahh the smoking stories....I too was in your shoes. I quit smoking 22 years ago this month and ended up gaining 70 lbs over the years. Spent so much money on weight loss products it was not funny. Then a year ago I started my final weight loss program, not MFP, and was happy but not real happy with it because it did not have many of the foods I was eating. Then I found MFP!! I never took any pictures of myself when I started because I expected only one thing....failure. That will not happen with this site and these people!!!!

    Best of luck to you on your journey to regaining the true you!!