NO more weight in!!



  • tagben
    tagben Posts: 72
    wow...I wish I could do that. I'm one of those that must weigh myself every morning. I hate that it's an obsession at this point. The sad part is if I'm down in #s, I eat, and if I am up in #s I eat cuz I'm upset I am up in #s.....Grrrrr! I HATE THE SCALE!!

    Lool welcome to my life!!!
  • fitnoflab
    Love it! I am in a biggest loser group here on MFP. So I weigh in weekly for that. But it ends in March. After that I plan to weigh in about every two weeks or so, maybe longer. I have not taken measurements yet but tape measure is on my list of things to pick up. I plan on starting a measurement system of tracking after my challenge is done. I've come to realize the scale rarely reflects what is going on with my body and all my efforts. It's just not that clever. My clothes are loose, belt notches change and the scale just beams out same ol' numbers. I also had my body fat % measured and I plan on getting that remeasured once every month or two.
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    Good plan if you can do it as the scales can be very misleading and cause all sorts of misery! I would make a note of your measurements and check them occasionally as sometimes even if the scales are up the measurements have gone down. :smile:
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    I'm trying not to be so obsessive too. I'm almost gone a whole week. Last week was TOM and the scale was 3 lbs up and I knew it was water but I was frustrated, so I made myself not step on the scale to next Monday, which is tomorrow. I'm kind of worried. I've had a large deficit everyday and work out like crazy. I'me eating my exercise calories. I'm hoping it is kind to me tomorrow. I am not sure if I could manage a month without weighing