I'm doing something wrong, help!



  • davecreed
    davecreed Posts: 151 Member
    also fats...you need to keep you saturated fats in the recommended range...most of your fats should come from monounsaturated (a lot of things dont have them listed on their nut. info) but you can look stuff up thats nigher in monounsaturated. (olive oil, most nuts, peanut butter, flax seed oil, avocados, etc)
  • davecreed
    davecreed Posts: 151 Member
    AHH! sorry i didn't really help you with your not being able to eat all your calories issue

    1. Baby steps. You're trying to break many years of poor eating habits. It wont happen overnight. don't beat yourself up about it. you just need to keep at it. it will come. Most people are shocked to see how much they actually have to eat of GOOD foods that aren't loaded with fats...most cant right away.

    2. You need to eat withing the first hour of waking up. The word "breakfast" literally means "breaking fast". when you go to sleep, your body goes into a state of fasting. If you don't eat something, anything, soon after waking, your body will stay in a fasting mode and that means its storing. you don't want that! Eat something! a piece of toast if that all you can first thing...this will break that fast and speed you body up and make you a lot more hungry throughout the day. this is another thig that smaller meals ever 2-3 hours help with, you get the metabolism boot from the digestion, without the calorie spill over. :)

    3. input your meal before you eat them...so you can look at you calorie break down...adjust it from there.

    if there anything i can do to help let me know...its not as hard as you think! just follow the site and try and do some research...in your case..look on bodybuilding site for tips on eating to get big...they usually have tips for skinny guys on how to boost their appetite lol.