Kinda new, but finally taking care of business

Well, I've been on the site for a little while and just recently became active on it. My name is Erica and like everyone else I'm taking charge of my weight issues. I've been overweight or had some sort of weight problem since I was a child. Whether it was inherited or just pure laziness, it doesn't matter. It's gotten out of control these past few years. No excuses, but I've battled many episodes of depression and self-loathing. I didn't like myself for the longest time. I just never cared to take care of myself because I had the opinion of, "Who am I trying to impress?" Well, it took a while to learn I'm not trying to nor should I try to "impress." someone. I've learned weightloss and taking care of yourself in general is all about you loving you. This is my vessel.... If I don't take care of it.... It's going to stop working, right?

Well, I do hope to meet some new people on here and watch their progress. I'm trying to update my blog weekly with progress and just random thoughts. It's amazing, I've been obsessed with this weightloss journey for yyyeeeaarrsss~~~ and I'm just now getting the hang of it. It doesn't matter though, how little you do, you're doing SOMETHING which is way better than NOTHING. I could have burned 400 cals at the gym, but the fact I even got out of the house to burn 150 is progress. I'm taking it slow because that's what wins the race. I want to have fun along the way and I don't want it to feel like a chore. The second it does.... Well, time to change things up. Sorry for the long introduction haha, I'm a deep thinker and a rambler.

So, hello everyone! It's lovely to meet you ^.^