Difference between fruit sugars and sugar?

I have gone over my sugar for the day because I had a little fruit salad.
What is good and bad about fruit sugars?
And should I still eat my daily sugar and pretend there's no sugar in the fruits?

Please help :)


  • krypt5
    krypt5 Posts: 243 Member
    Do not be misled by claims that sugar is bad. Sugar is not inherently bad. If you are healthy and have no medical issues, this is not something you should be worried about. Sugar is a carb and should be counted as such.

    The only difference between refined sugar and fruits is, fruits comes with vitamins, minerals and fiber which makes it a better bargain nutritionally.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    sugar as sugar or sweets has basically no nutritional value

    sugar in fruit has plenty of nutrients, vitamins, fibre, so it is worth eating as opposed to the empty calories in a packet of jellybeans so to speak.