Attaining self control

1a1a Posts: 761 Member
Nothing to do with food, but something to do with self control. I'm a freelance sound engineer, I work for myself, more realistically, for the musicians who employ me and to whom I am ultimately accountable but working from home and all, it's so easy to not do the work (which I actually really enjoy once I get into it) and watch marathons of TV series online instead. I'm likening this to the fight to eat clean, you actually feel better when you do but it's hard to make that first leap. How do I get myself to knuckle down and do the work and stop watching crap (it's not even Good TV programs online, it's goofy, Goofy dramas like Being Human and Torchwood)?


  • david581c
    david581c Posts: 337
    First, you need to clear your mind and ask yourself if you really want to be doing what ur doing atm.

    Second, if u work from home, its important to make sure theres seperation from ur home life to ur work life, i.e. have an office, etc. thats environmentally and uniquely ur work space.

    The key to not watching dribble all day is question of control, i love having things on while i work, makes things easy. Where the line gets blurred is when the comfort becomes a distraction. Working @ home is a toughy cus ur already in ur comfort zone, tho this could all be a question of just applying urself and listening to ur mind and body if u genuinely would like to do ur work.

    Just an observation tho :|
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I agree. I'm a freelancer, and I allow myself to work downstairs whilst watching the TV, but the moment I feel myself getting distracted or feel like the quality of my work might end up suffering, I move upstairs to my office area and don't allow myself to come back down until my work's done.

    There are some clients I never need to go to my office to do my work for - people whose businesses I know like the back of my hand so it's second nature - new clients and those with very particular demands usually have me locking myself away.