Problem balancing macros - any advice?


I've been using MFP for a while, but I'm having issues keeping my macros in check - I've been exercising regularly and from what I see (and feel like I'm eating) in my diary, it seems strange that I'm over on fats.

Anyone have any advice in regard to this? I keep my carbs low on purpose (stomach issues) - any comments on my diary are more than welcome. I'm training for a 17k run at the end of Feb so would like to be in my optimum range for training!



  • rsmithy89
    rsmithy89 Posts: 174 Member
    You have come to the right place.

    As you are probably aware, fat is an essential macronutrient. I.e. your body needs fats in order to properly function.

    Keeping carbs low is a good idea. I am on a keto diet myself :). Carbs are non-essential macronutrients (even more so for women).

    It is advised that you take in about 1-2g of fat per kilogram of body weight.

    If you are training for long distance running and would like sustained energy release for those long runs, an increased fat intake is advised. This is because fat is a slow release source of energy whereas with carbohydrates, you will deplete the energy reserves in like an hour and a half running.

    In summary: aim for 1-2g of fat. Fat is good :). In fact, I eat close to 150g of fat a day.