The Fat Mindset - how it can destroy you

auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
edited October 2024 in Chit-Chat
There are three basic areas in life which we must maintain and support to live a healthy life. It's kind of like a triangle, and when one of the legs of the triangle is weak, the entire structure collapses. Those three areas are the physical body, the intellectual/mental facilities, and the emotional/spiritual health of an individual.

You cannot focus on just one aspect and ignore the other two.

Whereas obesity and being fat destroys the physical body, the fat mindset equally destroys ones emotional and spiritual health. Whereas physical activity and dieting can strengthen the physical body, the fat mindset is much more difficult to purge from one's life.

What is the fat mindset? It is a collection of negative emotions that gather over time that erode and destroy a person's self worth, confidence, and overall will to live.

The fat mindset is caused primarily by negative social interactions, some of which are self-inflicted, which over time strengthen and feeds itself until it takes on a life all of its own. It is fueled by rejection, disdain, isolation, and a sense of failure, which further enforces itself and makes itself stronger and can manifest itself later as inward or outward rage, hopelessness, and overall death of emotion which can lead to death of the body.

It is possible to shed the overall body weight one is carrying and still suffer heavily from the fat mindset. As such, I treat it like a disease. This disease, much like being overweight, cannot be cured by a pill or wished away. It is very real, and anyone who suffers from it will know that it's not as easy as flipping a switch to be rid of it.

Combating the fat mindset is not something one can really do alone, for one of the reasons it exists is due to social isolation and rejection. Those suffering from this need to be able to speak to someone or a support network about their feelings and issues and receive positive reinforcement. This is not to say that a support network should encourage or support one being obese, but rather encourage or support the individual in their battle against obesity and in making them a stronger person as a whole.

Negative emotions and feelings have much longer lasting impact over positive ones. Spend a year in the fat mindset and then two years positively reinforcing yourself, and people will still have a strong impact of the negative emotions you stirred whilst in the fat mindset.

This is why its important to fight those feelings every step of the way. It is through our own selves that we achieve victory through perseverence and inner fortitude. The phrase "I can't do it" or "I give up" should not be allowed. We are all human underneath the flesh, and our emotional cores can easily be rotted from the inside. It is our responsibility to ourselves to take care of it, for no one else will.

Find the color in your life through whatever means you must. For me it is painting and music. For you it may be something else. Take your journey one step at a time and begin to purge thoughts out of your head that tell you that you are worthless or a failure. They are self-fulfilling and seek to do nothing but destroy you.

Seek not the approval of those who only value shallow things. Seek the approval of yourself and to those that matter.

Best of luck on your journey.


  • another brilliant read.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    I agree. You must have the correct mindset to succeed. In the right frame of mind controlling what you eat, putting forth the effort in the gym or w/e your venue of exercise maybe becomes very simple and second nature.

    People often tell me on here how they admire my will power and self control. It's simple frame of mind. I cannot fail, it's victory or death.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    That's very insightful.

    Also, I have found that as weight is lost, uncomfortable "memories" and emotions can be uncovered -- almost like cellular memories -- and I have to deal with suppressed negative stuff from the past.

    It's very helpful to have friends to share strength with during this time.
  • leeanndelcourt
    leeanndelcourt Posts: 28 Member
    Great post....thanks for sharing! I like how you said "find the color in your life." :)
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,359 Member
    I agree with what you have said so well.
    I think that the fat mindset is one of the reasons people regain their weight. When the goal has been met., the new wardrobe purchased and the rewards garnered, then what? Success gets positive attention for a while, but then what? As a person maintains their achievement becomes "old news".
    This is when the fat mindset can sneak back. "No one pays attention to me anymore. I'm lonely, bored, or tired of the fight."
    This is the fat mindset seeking to reassert itself. This is when its good to have a support system and goals beyond the physical.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    The fat mindset is almost entirely emotional which is why its deadly. Its entirely driven by social interaction not being favorable to the individual.

    The thing is, if a person comes off as negative or unhappy, most people tend to be repelled by them, which feeds the fat mindset even more: "i'm fat and that's why people don't like me. See... they won't talk to me and they avoid me. Because I'm fat. They don't like me. No one wants to date me. I'm alone. Because I'm fat."

    The reality of the statement is typically people avoid one with this mindset because they are miserable and misery and negative emotions are catchy and no one wants them.

    I suffered (and still suffer) from the fat mindset. It takes a titanic effort to right the ship but it comes from positive enforcement. That enforcement has to start from within though. Once the ship is righted things start to fall back into place.

    Recognize, understand, and conquer =) There is nothing that we cannot do as far as overcoming our shortcomings and achieving our goals.
  • swedishwillow
    swedishwillow Posts: 88 Member
    very well created and much needed on days like today! Thank you
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    I've got the "fat mindset" and it annoys the hell out of people around me.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    This is a great post, very motivational. Thanks for taking the time to post this. :heart:
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Be the light you'd have unto the world.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Thanks for this.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    Great insight ... thanks for sharing
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,359 Member
    The thing is, if a person comes off as negative or unhappy, most people tend to be repelled by them, which feeds the fat mindset even more: "i'm fat and that's why people don't like me. See... they won't talk to me and they avoid me. Because I'm fat. They don't like me. No one wants to date me. I'm alone. Because I'm fat."

    Absolutely! The fat mindset and it's negativity play a big part in isolation. The fat mindset places the blame for being unwanted on the physical rather than the attitude. People are drawn to a person who "shines". A happy face, positive attitude, creativity, curiosity, and an inner sense of worth attract others.
  • Excellent post, thank you!
  • tara4487
    tara4487 Posts: 118 Member
    I agree with what you have said so well.
    I think that the fat mindset is one of the reasons people regain their weight. When the goal has been met., the new wardrobe purchased and the rewards garnered, then what? Success gets positive attention for a while, but then what? As a person maintains their achievement becomes "old news".
    This is when the fat mindset can sneak back. "No one pays attention to me anymore. I'm lonely, bored, or tired of the fight."
    This is the fat mindset seeking to reassert itself. This is when its good to have a support system and goals beyond the physical.

  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    You have some of the most insightful posts. They are all very to the point and honest, but worded so well! I enjoy the posts that you make on here very much. Keep them coming!
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Thank you for your comments =)
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,359 Member
    What we see on the scale, in our life, or in our relationships has already happened in the mind and heart. The physical is an outward sign of what is happening inside. We unwittingly wear our inner life on our bodies.
  • Thanks for this post :smile:
  • This is a great post.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    love this! just confirms to me that i'm doing it right.. :happy:
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member

    Excellent post
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