Is this working?



  • sundropc14
    sundropc14 Posts: 37 Member
    I have difficulty eating 1200 calories in a day. for 2 days I have done it but this morning I have gained 1lb. dont understand that?
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    Weighing yourself every day or several times a day isnt a good idea because you will get frustrated. You weigh yourself in the morning and you are one weight and then you do it again at dinner and the scale could go up by 5 lbs? Why? Because you ate, drank liquids, exercised, fluid retention, etc. As females our weight will fluctuate 3-5 lbs every day. The best thing to do is pick one day of the week and weigh yourself on that one day at a specific time and that will give you more of an accurate measurement as to what your weight is.