This is my story.

Hey! I'm Rachel and I'm 22 years old. I've always been quite the chunker, I've always been picked on ever since I was in Kindergarten. I came out weighing 10 pounds 2 ounces... Which is quite big for a baby. I've never had the parents who wanted to get outside and play with you or want to walk with you and never had many friends to do the same. All during high school I was active with color guard, in which, we ran, danced, jumped around, etc but I was still over weight. About 1 and a half years ago I went to the doctor to have test ran and was put on phentermine (I made sure that it was safe of course) and then lost about 40 pounds within the first two months by taking the pill and working out. I kept it off for about a year until I moved off for college and lived on my own. I cooked healthy living on my own but did not work out and was no longer taking the pill because I wanted to maintain it. I have since put back on every bit of it but 12 pounds. This was so hard for me, I was so proud of losing 40 pounds and having people say "wow Rachel you look great" and now all I hear is... "dang, youve gained all your weight back" On December 31st of 2011 I decided for new years I would start out with something kind of simple and not going TOO extreme. I set my resolution to not eat fast food for a whole year (taco bell is my weakness) and no cokes or teas for a whole year (i love my sweet tea). I'm now on day 17 of no fast food and no cokes or teas and havent had any temptations yet. Two weeks ago today I said to myself that this WILL be the year I lose weight. I started a group on facebook called "beautiful girl weight loss encouragers" this is where I invited all my facebook friends to encourage each other, leave tips, advice, etc. A few hours into it a friend introduced me to MFP. I logged on immediately, went to weigh myself, logged everything in and got started. The first week was a breeze, the start of the second week I struggled with feeling nauseated when I thought of food, I wasnt sure why. I thought maybe I needed one unhealthy meal then it would set me back on track. I had Chinese, I usually get two plates full but I decided that time to get one plate that wasnt all the way full. Atleast, if I'm going to eat unhealthy, cut the proportions RIGHT? I ate healthy the next day, but went out to dinner again. This time it was tgi fridays with some co-workers. I looked at the low calories meals and ordered from there. I was proud of myself to turn down the unhealthy meals. The next day was my grandmothers birthday, we ate Olive Garden (its her favorite) I still chose off of the low calorie menu. But that night had something "bad" cake and ice cream (I got a small piece but it wasnt into my calories) The next day was mexican (I got a salad.. not with the shell and no dressing) then that night chili... thats where I went wrong... I ate about 3 cups of it and had mexican cornbread AND pecan pie... I was so disappointed in myself but thought, well tomorrow starts a new week and I will do better. And of course, Monday rolls around (yesterday) and I get on the scale (our weigh ins are every monday) and only 1 pound down. I wasnt SO disappointed that it was just 1 pound because I FOR SURE thought it would be + something. This week is a new week and I WILL do better. Yesterday was a good day and I was under my calorie goal, today just started and its going pretty good.
Sorry for the book but maybe someone has a few minutes to read this and give me criticism or/and encouragement. I WILL do this and I WILL get myself UNDER the 200 mark. btw if its necessary my absolute heaviest weight was 267. I now weigh 250 (five pounds down since I started MFP)



  • luckygirl007
    luckygirl007 Posts: 68 Member
    Hey Rachel. Sounds like you are changing some bad habits into good habits. That is a great start. Since you are young and social you are in situations that test you. Just take it one day at a time girl!
  • ohthatrachelgirl
    Hey Rachel. Sounds like you are changing some bad habits into good habits. That is a great start. Since you are young and social you are in situations that test you. Just take it one day at a time girl!

    Thank you! I'm trying my VERY best. Its hard when people you live with dont want to eat healthy with you but I'm working on getting past that!
  • brichnic
    Hey Rachel! I completely understand the socializing thing and how your calories add up there. I went to a party on Sunday where it was official, I could eat ABSOLUTELY nothing. My husband said I'd look weird bringing a salad.. so, while everyone else ate dinner, I didn't. For someone who LOVES food, that really sucked.

    Do it one bit at a time dear. You're cutting your portion sizes down and still meshing with society, AND you're losing so don't be so hard on yourself. Two pounds a week is a normal, healthy weight loss rate and you will get there. I know it's weird to ask, but, have you had your thyroid checked? When the doctors just pressed on mine, it was fine, but I had bloodwork done about a year and a half into the weight losing thing, and sure enough, my thyroid levels were bunk.
  • plaid405
    plaid405 Posts: 33 Member
    Some days I struggle more than others. I find that when I am thinking about delicious food it obviously makes it worse. For example I would love some chipolte for lunch. A burrito bowl with all the toppings and extra sour cream but then I remind myself It will never taste as good as it feels to lose weight. Good luck. Don't get down just pick yourself up and keep going.
  • ohthatrachelgirl
    Hey Rachel! I completely understand the socializing thing and how your calories add up there. I went to a party on Sunday where it was official, I could eat ABSOLUTELY nothing. My husband said I'd look weird bringing a salad.. so, while everyone else ate dinner, I didn't. For someone who LOVES food, that really sucked.

    Do it one bit at a time dear. You're cutting your portion sizes down and still meshing with society, AND you're losing so don't be so hard on yourself. Two pounds a week is a normal, healthy weight loss rate and you will get there. I know it's weird to ask, but, have you had your thyroid checked? When the doctors just pressed on mine, it was fine, but I had bloodwork done about a year and a half into the weight losing thing, and sure enough, my thyroid levels were bunk.

    Yeah when I went to the doctor to get on phentermine they have to check all of that first :)
  • ohthatrachelgirl
    Some days I struggle more than others. I find that when I am thinking about delicious food it obviously makes it worse. For example I would love some chipolte for lunch. A burrito bowl with all the toppings and extra sour cream but then I remind myself It will never taste as good as it feels to lose weight. Good luck. Don't get down just pick yourself up and keep going.

    great way to look at it! Thanks so much!
  • perpetuallyfit
    perpetuallyfit Posts: 153 Member
    keep at it girl. You are doing a great job! You can do it!! :):flowerforyou:
  • ohthatrachelgirl
    keep at it girl. You are doing a great job! You can do it!! :):flowerforyou:

    thanks for such sweet words :)
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    Some days I struggle more than others. I find that when I am thinking about delicious food it obviously makes it worse. For example I would love some chipolte for lunch. A burrito bowl with all the toppings and extra sour cream but then I remind myself It will never taste as good as it feels to lose weight. Good luck. Don't get down just pick yourself up and keep going.

    I think that's something I disagree on, that chipotle burrito bowl would be so worth it to me. that's my problem!
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    I know how frustrating it is, but you are taking time to make healthy decisions in unhealthy environments, which is critical for a life style change. It won't happen overnight, which you discovered, and you're doing well trying to make small changes, instead of big, sweeping changes that would be too daunting. Just by having a disappointing week, and NOT giving up, you are winning!

    the best thing is you are young, and getting a handle on your eating habits now will keep you from being where I am- age 58, and in the process of loosing 100#.
  • ohthatrachelgirl
    I know how frustrating it is, but you are taking time to make healthy decisions in unhealthy environments, which is critical for a life style change. It won't happen overnight, which you discovered, and you're doing well trying to make small changes, instead of big, sweeping changes that would be too daunting. Just by having a disappointing week, and NOT giving up, you are winning!

    the best thing is you are young, and getting a handle on your eating habits now will keep you from being where I am- age 58, and in the process of loosing 100#.

    Thanks, youre right. Sometimes disappointing weeks is what keeps you going and going even harder the next week. I'm LOVING all these encouraging words!

    Youre awesome for being 58 and wanting to lose 100# I know youll do it!! we can do this together :) stay strong
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    You sound like a younger version of myself (I did color guard senior year of high school and then all 5 years of college with our marching band!!!).

    I wish I had found this site sooner. I'm going to friend you because you can lose weight going out (and being young you will go just takes planning!!!). You can make positive choices and you can do this.

    I'm down almost 30 lbs and am under my pre-baby weight ('s only 1 lb but it's still under) and have always struggled. Good for you for putting yourself first and making the commitment to get healthier!!!
  • ohthatrachelgirl
    You sound like a younger version of myself (I did color guard senior year of high school and then all 5 years of college with our marching band!!!).

    I wish I had found this site sooner. I'm going to friend you because you can lose weight going out (and being young you will go just takes planning!!!). You can make positive choices and you can do this.

    I'm down almost 30 lbs and am under my pre-baby weight ('s only 1 lb but it's still under) and have always struggled. Good for you for putting yourself first and making the commitment to get healthier!!!

    way to go for losing 30lbs!! youre doing great! Cant wait for our friendship on here and to encourage each other along the way!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I love your attitude!

    This will be your year and you will succeed! :drinker: :smile:
  • ohthatrachelgirl
    I love your attitude!

    This will be your year and you will succeed! :drinker: :smile:

    THANKS! I cannot wait to hit one of my first goals. only 50 more pounds til im under 200!! I'm so excited and I KNOW I will be there in NO time with the help of all of you encouraging me along the way!!
  • sandlerlover
    sandlerlover Posts: 96 Member
    Don't get down on yourself for enjoying one meal. You are doing a great job of not going overboard at every meal and that's what matters. Please remember that this is a long journey and you have to enjoy or you won't stick with it.
  • soymilkcoffee
    We're about the same age, so I understand how these social environments really test our healthy lifestyle changes. But it's still possible to be social, young and healthy! :)

    Just wondering, because you mentioned it in your post- why are you avoiding tea? I love my warm cup of green tea, and I find it helps keep my hunger in check. :) Also, "fast food"-like food doesn't have to be unhealthy! Neither does Chinese food. I recommend checking out I just discovered it and found some recipes that are healthier variations of stuff you would find in fast food chains.

    Good luck on your journey! It doesn't matter how slow you go, as long as you don't stop!
  • Moe4572
    Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hi Rachel
    Sounds like you have the right keep trying and if make a less than perfect choice...don't beat yourself up...tomorrow is a new day...get right back on that horse :)

    You CAN do this!!
  • booncey
    booncey Posts: 75 Member
    If going out regularly is part of your current lifestyle, you could always look at the menus for your common restaurants online and look at their nutritional values, then record them in a little notebook or on your phone a couple of healthy options for each restaurant that way you will have an automatic response when you socialize out. TGI Fridays, ok I'll have this option there. This way you don't have to look at the menu and eyeball the unhealthy options which can be tempting.
  • ohthatrachelgirl
    Don't get down on yourself for enjoying one meal. You are doing a great job of not going overboard at every meal and that's what matters. Please remember that this is a long journey and you have to enjoy or you won't stick with it.

    youre right! thanks for the words :)