Safety tips for outdoor runners

I'm a relatively new runner. Just gonna be finishing up c25k this week, downloaded my B210k app already. I am madly in love with it, but theres one thing..I LOATHE running indoors....lucky for me weather wise I really don't have to. I live in a rather safe neighborhood, but its 2012 so I wanted tips from yall seasoned runnin' folks. Do you avoid certain you try not to go the same route often so that you aren't "followable", carry anything with you? I hate carrying a lot of extra stuff, but curious if there are "safety" things that anyone feels is essential.


  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    Reflectives first and foremost
    And like a motorcyclist, do a lifesaver before corssing roads, you have to look out for quite a lot more that could injure you and stop you running
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    Pepper spray or a tazer. I don't own one, that's why I never go out running alone. Having someone with you can be more of a defense than anything else as well. I live in a neighborhood that goes from nice to sketchy from block to block so you have to be careful about running at certain times in certain areas
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    I actually own pepper spray but have no clue how to carry it while running (I'll have to Maguyver it) and how I would access it. I should look for a running buddy that would be AWESOME!

    Reflectives are a FANTASTIC idea!!!!!! I didn't even think of that, but come summertime, my usual start time will still be a bit dark and people will be sleepy on the way to work so that is definitely something I need to do.