Posting your minimal clothed before pics

I lost 20lbs last year on MFP and have at least 70 to go. For the first time today I was able to take serious minimally clothed before pics of what I look like now because I need to see myself like this...... like with my gut and back fat all exposed. It is so awful to look at and an eye opener (and tear jerker). Its one thing to see myself in a mirror but to see myself on a computer screen with my rolls having shadows and my cellulite..... is just...yikes. I dont even want to know what I looked like 20lbs heavier, but I know I need to have these to see my progress. My question to you all is, is how hard is it for you to put up your before pics? Im keeping them on file but I seriously am not ready to post them yet.


  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I have them in the privacy of my own computer and they won't see the light of anyone else's eyes until I'm at my goal and proud of how far I've come. :)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I don't think it's necessary to post them but I think it's great for you to own them so you have it as a reference point, and as a good reminder.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I don't think it's necessary to post them but I think it's great for you to own them so you have it as a reference point, and as a good reminder.

    This is my take on it. I won't possibly ever post them publicly, but I have to "see" progress for myself.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    <~~~~~~~ I sport my 70-pounds-overweight pic everywhere I go. This is my body, and I love it no matter how it looks right now. I'm not going to be fat forever, so this is just the way I look for the time being.
  • Krushchev
    Krushchev Posts: 180 Member
    I wish that I had had the guts to do that when I was at my heaviest. I mean, I have some pictures of myself in clothes I -never- should have worn, as they sucked up to my rolls enough that I don't really think it would be any worse in my chonies...
    That being said, I've been maintaining for like two years & now I really want to hit the gym & get all girl-buff... New before pictures, lol.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    I don't think it's necessary to post them but I think it's great for you to own them so you have it as a reference point, and as a good reminder.
    I concur!
  • dolfn1972
    dolfn1972 Posts: 84 Member
    I don't think it's necessary to post them but I think it's great for you to own them so you have it as a reference point, and as a good reminder.

    absolutely agree with this. The minimal clothing pics should be for you as a reminder. Its easy to hide from a mirror...just put your clothes on before you look...but these pics will be a reminder of what you dont want to get back to. Good luck and stay strong
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    <~~~~~~~ I sport my 70-pounds-overweight pic everywhere I go. This is my body, and I love it no matter how it looks right now. I'm not going to be fat forever, so this is just the way I look for the time being.

    Wow thats an inspiring statement. I know most people are ashamed of their current look but you are focused and dedicated on what you will accomplish and not let anything stop you.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    <~~~~~~~ I sport my 70-pounds-overweight pic everywhere I go. This is my body, and I love it no matter how it looks right now. I'm not going to be fat forever, so this is just the way I look for the time being.

    I love it. You are the *kitten*!
  • alicia_louise29
    I posted a picture on my old account :/ I was really scared to put it up on my new one for some reason, but im glad I did because I got alot of tips off other people and realised it wasn't as bad as I thought. Made me feel abit better to think there were women out there with worst bellys than mine. I cringed when I put it up
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    <~~~~~~~ I sport my 70-pounds-overweight pic everywhere I go. This is my body, and I love it no matter how it looks right now. I'm not going to be fat forever, so this is just the way I look for the time being.

    Wow thats an inspiring statement. I know most people are ashamed of their current look but you are focused and dedicated on what you will accomplish and not let anything stop you.

    Kortney is gangsta as it gets son.
  • melbaby925
    I couldn't even bring myself to take minimally clothed before pics when I started this last April. I saw what I looked like fully clothed in some pictures at my heaviest and was completely horrified...I haven't been taking progress pics either, although I look in the mirror every month when I do measurements and am pretty happy now with the results I'm starting to see!

    I was planning on putting up the horrible pictures from the end of 2009 with my finished results, which I'm on track to hit at the end of this year, and I'm thinking that fully clothed before is perfectly fine.

    No need to post anything that you're not comfortable with - and you may never get there, so don't stress over something like that!
  • mutley1964
    <~~~~~~~ I sport my 70-pounds-overweight pic everywhere I go. This is my body, and I love it no matter how it looks right now. I'm not going to be fat forever, so this is just the way I look for the time being.

    This is the most refreshing statement I've read in a long time! Good for you ! :smile:
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    Personally I wouldn't post minimally clothed pictures of myself at any weight on the internet! But then I wouldn't take them either so I'm obviously just a prude.

    I don't think how I felt about fat pictures would change just because I was now lighter than I was in the pictures - I'd still be embarrassed even if it was a 'former me' if you see what I mean.
  • Secret_Agent_007
    I have "before" pics. If ... no, when I reach my goal I'll consider posting them. Not before.
  • rwd5046
    rwd5046 Posts: 302
    Never did the minimal clothed thing, didn't have need of naked pictures of myself to see how big I was. But I do keep a picture of myself at top weight posted on the fridge as a constant reminder.
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I took pictures at the start of this of me in workout pants and a sports bra. When I hit my goal and am happy with the way I look, I'll post them because in my mind, that isn't me anymore. And hopefully my future pictures can inspire people like I'm inspired now when I look at the success stories of others.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    <~~~~~~~ I sport my 70-pounds-overweight pic everywhere I go. This is my body, and I love it no matter how it looks right now. I'm not going to be fat forever, so this is just the way I look for the time being.

    Wow thats an inspiring statement. I know most people are ashamed of their current look but you are focused and dedicated on what you will accomplish and not let anything stop you.

    Kortney is gangsta as it gets son.

    Tru dat! :happy:
  • harley_rose
    I too sport my 20lbs lost and my start weight with pride, because I know I am on here with everyone else to reach a common goal to lose weight... be proud that your realize you are/were heavy and you are doing something about it..
  • InnerPinup79
    Thanks yall. I just realized that when I lost 50lbs before in my younger years, I had no pics of me at my heaviest because I was always hiding from the camera. So my biggest issue with not having any kind of before pics and one of the reasons as to why I think I gained it back plus some is because no matter what the scale said and no matter what my clothes size and what people said, I still saw myself 50lbs heavier and no one or nothing could change that mindset no matter how hard I tried. I had nothing to compare too. I was also in a different time in my life and less confident in EVERYTHING.

    Ive decided to wait until I am at a certain goal to post them. I find it very inspiring to see how the body transforms when weight is lost.

    You guys rock! Thanks!