If I want this so bad why have I lost my motivation :-( ????



  • diva500
    diva500 Posts: 18 Member
    It is hard, no matter where you are on this weigh journey....I have LOST 155Lbs in one year (Jan 3, 2011-Jan 3, 2012), and it is still hard EVERYDAY.....sometimes I want to gnaw off my hand...LOL with frosting on top of course...LOL but other days I am in such a roll....I feel I can conquer the WORLD.....I believe it is a MENTAL WAR in your head....you have to FIGHT the FIGHT....and ONLY you can do it....dont wait for motivation.....just start, pretend like you have motivation.....and then in time MOTIVATION will kick in.....JUST DO IT!!! Not tomorrow or next Monday....start with the very next meal......Good Luck...:flowerforyou:
  • meche8
    meche8 Posts: 2
    Everyone is so correct, we all go through it. I was there during the holidays as well. I was eating everything from sweet potato pie to Popeye's fried chicken. One day my friend said something that just snapped me out of it. He was like you keep making all these excuses and you will not reach your goal. I try to set small goals that I know I can reach at a time. That really hit home for me and made me get up off that couch and start working out again. I have been using my crockpot to cook meals because my hours at work are not set. I also make a point to drink water all day like I used to. So far so good.

    Keep up the good work. Just start back doing 10-15 minutes of activity. Shortly you will find yourself back in the zone. I know I did. I also found some new workouts to help spice it up a little. I enjoy the Wii fit step, run, and hola hoop. It's fun and doesn't feel like work. LOL
  • irishgirl63
    One of the reasons people tend to give up on something they really want is because they have a tendancy to see how much more they have to go rather than how far they have come! You have done great so far...so get back on the hourse and ride it out until you find the place you want to be. You are the only one who can change your destiny and you are soley responsible for your own happiness!! I commend you on what you have done so far...keep going it is so worth it !!! :)
  • badbull69
    badbull69 Posts: 157 Member
    One of the reasons people tend to give up on something they really want is because they have a tendancy to see how much more they have to go rather than how far they have come! You have done great so far...so get back on the hourse and ride it out until you find the place you want to be. You are the only one who can change your destiny and you are soley responsible for your own happiness!! I commend you on what you have done so far...keep going it is so worth it !!! :)

    This ^^^^^^
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Exercise isn't easy. If it were, losing weight would be easy. If that were the case, no one would be fat.

    We don't get fat overnight. It takes a long time of poor habits and non-activity to achieve obesity, it takes a long time of good habits and activity to achieve weight loss.

    If you want it bad enough, you will make it happen. Every day consists of choices. You choose to eat poorly or you choose not to. You choose to go out and workout or you choose to stay in and not do it.

    Saying you want it so bad and actually wanting it so bad are two seperate things.

    Which are you?
  • clhandwerk
    clhandwerk Posts: 52 Member
    been there my lovely!

    I think it's because you feel you deserve a break! I know I did, I started liking myself again and being proud of my achievement so stopped trying. You need another kick up the *kitten*. Take some pictures and see what you need to achieve still. Visualise where you ultimately want to be and start all over again almost. It's all about visualisation I believe.
    You have done well, but it's not over yet. Now c'mon get back on it!

    I agree with you!! I would loose weight for like over a month, feel good about myself, and then get off. But thats never gonna work if i dont just keep up with it! :)
  • mdollian
    mdollian Posts: 70 Member
    Your not thinking of yourself..your being selfish to your body !! You can do it!!
  • AnnieFJ
    AnnieFJ Posts: 82 Member
    Look at some 'before and after pics' to see what you can achieve and how happy it makes people. You will get back on track and it will be very worth it, I promse you! :happy:
  • Hotrodhoodlum
    way to go great stuff !! Nice paragraph are you a professional trainer if not you should be
    One of the reasons people tend to give up on something they really want is because they have a tendancy to see how much more they have to go rather than how far they have come! You have done great so far...so get back on the hourse and ride it out until you find the place you want to be. You are the only one who can change your destiny and you are soley responsible for your own happiness!! I commend you on what you have done so far...keep going it is so worth it !!! :)
  • DaveRCF
    DaveRCF Posts: 266
    Why not try 3 or 4 times a week and go for quality over quantity? Increase the intensity of your workouts and you will do just fine with fewer workouts per week. Also, mix it up to keep things interesting. Walk instead of drive, stairs instead of elevator, some fun sports (gym workouts can be really boring), work out with a friend so you can motivate each other. Good luck!
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    It's normal. I go through that same slump almost every winter. The best way to overcome is to plan and then execute... plan your meals and your workouts and just do it......if you miss/skip fail one... don't think that you have ruined ALL of your work and so keep on eating poorly or skipping workouts until you can be 'perfect'. The motivation will return.... just start with something.... somewhere... and keep adding until you are 'perfect' again.
  • TheSarahHill
    I was the same!! Haha I have lost 6lbs in 2 weeks though and feel better already. Make yourself do it, and once you've started it's ok again. Fall backs are fine, we all have them at some point.


  • For_the_Last_Time
    For_the_Last_Time Posts: 136 Member
    The fact that you posted this I think shows that you want to do this and is a step in getting back on track!

    What motivated you in the first place? I have done the jump on jump off more times then I care to admit! (but I do) I have pics of me on my phone/and frig of me at my highest and at my smallest..... The real kick in my butt is if I would have stuck with it I would already be where I should be so jumping off has done nothing but hurt me.

    The longer you wait to get back on track the longer it is going to take you to get where you want to be. Don't let your hard work you have done so far go to waste!
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    Motivation is fleeting. Some days the process can seem like a chore. It needs doing, so do it !

    We don't go seeking motivation to take out the garbage - we just don't want it to pile up and stink ... so we JUST DO IT !

    Same with our bodies. You do it, and you are glad you did. Cross it off the list and move on.


  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    Everyone has been so supportive, I'm going to be scientific. :wink:

    Winter causes us to hide indoors and the result is a decrease in vitamin D which has been linked to depression. Perhaps check your vitamin D levels with your doctor? I had to increase my supplement for the winter because I was getting mopey. Mopey=snacky=uh oh.

    I read an article the other day about weight loss habits. It takes 5 weeks to make things a habit. The holidays ruined your habits. It happens. You've got to start over with rebuilding those habits and I know you can and will -- otherwise you wouldn't be seeking support right now. So... start over. Rebuild those habits. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it and YOU'RE worth it. :happy:
  • thoshowski
    thoshowski Posts: 135 Member
    I found the first time I tried MFP, I fell off the wagon and gained a lot of weight. Now, I have decided that when I crave something bad for me, I have a glass of water. If I still crave it, I can have some, just a little. I don't feel like I should deny myself the things I love. If I do, then when I get to my goal weight, it won't stay off. I don't feel like it's a diet, just a change in the way I look at food. McDonald's isn't bad food, just food I get to treat myself with.
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    This is normal and why most people fail.
    You are at a cross roads with a major decision to make.
    How bad do you really want to be fit vs fat?

    To see this through, look deep inside and answer for yourself:
    Why do I want to be fit?
    And attach great pleasure to that as you set this goal.

    And then answer for yourself this:
    Why don't I want to be fat?
    Attach great pain to all the reasons you do not want to be fat.

    Few people can actually do this which is why most people fail.
    This is the key to internal motivation.

    Many, many good posts. But this one hit home for me. I was where you are not too long ago. I'd walk out of the gym at night thinking "Why am I doing this? What is the reason?" For me it's easy to slip back into the "fat thinking". It was time to do some soul searching and get back to it.

    As others have said, it isn't a easy journey and most often it's a lonely journey. But is it worth it? Your bet your *ss it is! Even when you don't feel like eating right, exercising, drinking water - just do it.

    Just thought of this - Softball season is just around the corner (company softball co-ed team). When I can out run all the women and most of the men (some 20 years younger than me) - is it worth it?? :laugh: You bet!