How do you stay healthy at work?



  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member

    I pack my breakfast,lunch and snacks every morning and scoff it at work throughout the day. We are lucky and can eat at our desks here and its pretty flexible which makes things easy.

    I also workout in my lunch breaks and then go to the gym or do another workout after work :)

    Sometimes in my morning tea and afternoon tea breaks I'll go for a quick 10 minute zap around the block too......Exercise much!! hehe
  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    How do you guys stay healthy at work when you're working a 9-5 style job.

    When do you work out?
    I've just started going to the gym first thing in the morning, sets me up for the day.

    What do you take to work?
    I take my morning and afternoon snacks, as well as lunch, and I keep a tub of protein powder and a shaker there too.

    Do you eat breakfast?
    Yup, post workout, pre-work.

    Do you pack your lunch?
    Yup. My diary is open, feel free to take a look :)
  • When do you work out? - I work from 7-5 so it's nearly impossible for me to get in a work out before work so I work out after work. The minute I walk through the door I change and turn on my workout dvd. It's worked well so far.

    What do you take to work? - I pack a lean cuisine and a low cal snack.

    Do you eat breakfast? - I have a cup of coffee in the morning. It's terrible I know. I'm going to make an attempt next week to bring something in. I used to make these egg muffins that are tasty and good for you on the weekends and bring them in with me. You can make them all sorts of ways and it's a great grab and go thing during the week. -- I usually use turkey sausage, low fat cheese, onion, green pepper.

    Good luck and feel free to add me if you'd like some support!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    How do you guys stay healthy at work when you're working a 9-5 style job.

    When do you work out?
    Luckily there's a gym right in my office building so I take an early lunch break and go down from about 10:30-11:30.

    What do you take to work?
    I make sure I have snacks and lunch and breakfast options available. There's also a cafe in my building - while they do offer some healthy options, most of it's not so healthy and very tempting so I avoid buying food there when I can. Plus, I feel like planning my food and activity for the day as often as possible is one of my secrets to success.

    Do you eat breakfast?
    Every day! The time depends on how hungry I am though - some days I eat almost as soon as I get up, some days I don't eat until 9am. When home, I'll cook up a couple eggs and make a breakfast sandwich with cheese and a deli thin. When at work, I've got Kashi instant oatmeal and clif/luna bars for snack.

    Do you pack your lunch?
    Every day! As I said above, if I didn't, I'd have a harder time with my weight loss. Mostly I pack sandwiches but sometimes I'll bring leftovers - depends on what I've cooked for meals.

    Best of luck to you!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    When do you work out? I work out at least 3 days before work and then at least once on the weekends. I am at the gym by 6am, done working out around 7am and then hit the showers at the gym and get ready there and am at work at 8am (gym is only 5 minutes from my house and then another 5 minutes to work).

    What do you take to work? I bring snacks to work that usually consist of fresh fruit, veggies w/homemade dip, LCC with crackers, string cheese.

    Do you eat breakfast? Yes, everyday. On workout days I eat a small breakfast beforehand (english muffin, hardboiled egg, cereal or oatmeal) and then something else once I get to work (Greek yogurt, almonds, etc.).

    Do you pack your lunch? No, head home for lunch.
  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    I work out either before work or after. I bring all my food for the day to control what i eat. The more healthy options you have around you the easier it is to stick to your diet.
  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    I have to go to work soon, but I'll have to read up on this thread after. I have school all day, then work, so I'm always looking for things that are portable!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I typically walk about 5 miles every morning before work. I bring my own food - usually microwave steamable veggies and sliced chicken or turkey breast. (I cook on the weekends, measure out, bag and freeze feed for use during the week.) As for breakfast, I usually have a BIG one. Morning is when I'm the most active, and the most hungry. I do much better with a big breakfast and smaller meals later in the day.
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 729 Member
    How do you guys stay healthy at work when you're working a 9-5 style job.

    When do you work out?

    What do you take to work?

    Do you eat breakfast?

    Do you pack your lunch?

    I need advice!

    Thank you :)

    I work out either during lunch, or after work (I am fortunate that we have a gym on site)

    For breakfast, I bring in packets of oatmeal, and heat them up in a mug in the mircrowave once I am at work. I also have low cal instant coffee packets if I get hungry during the morning, and will have a cup of that to tied me over till lunch.

    We have a fridge here, so I pack things like salads, sandwiches, I will make extra for dinner, and bring in the left overs and heat them up. I also will bring in carrots or cucumbers to snack along side my lunch, and have an apple or banana as well. If I need something sweet in the afternoon, I have 90 cal brownies in my desk, or a granola bar.
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    I have a sedentary job.

    I stock foods here to microwave. I usually microwave some eggs in the morning with a toasted english muffin.

    I keep yogurt here.

    Morning Snack is usually almonds. Afternoon snack I like a piece of cheese. Before workout snack is usually half an english muffin and peanut butter.

    I bring a lunch. I used to bring soups and/or get a subway, but I'm tracking sodium and those are really high. I like using the microwavable meal bags.. I throw veggies and chicken in there and cook it for lunch. Already portioned and I control the salt. (I cooked fish in it once.. didn't make friends at work that day!)

    I sit on a stability ball at my desk about half the day, so I'm always moving my hips around, etc..

    I drink a ton of water, so I'm always walking to the lady's room.

    I bring my workout clothes and go directly to the gym after work, otherwise I'd never go. It's working for me so far.
  • When do you work out? in the evening; a hour or so after dinner.

    What do you take to work? I take my breakfast, mid morning snack (fruit mostly), lunch and afternoon snack (90-100 calorie snack)

    Do you eat breakfast? yes, every morning.

    Do you pack your lunch? yes.
  • devnulldude
    devnulldude Posts: 26 Member
    First thing you need to do is start getting out of the chair

    Standing desk:

    Treadmill desk:
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I take the stairs instead of the elevator. I work in a skyscraper, so that could be anywhere from 40-200 flights of stairs in one day. We have a healthy salad bar at work, so I usually choose that. If I am going out for lunch I typically choose a place thats relatively far and walk to the restaurant. The last one makes my coworkers mad, but they always join.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I either work out in the AM before getting into the office or on my lunch break. My job is pretty chill about me taking a long lunch, if I had to stay under an hour there's no way I could do that.

    I pack a lunch too, that helps a lot.
  • devnulldude
    devnulldude Posts: 26 Member
    at the office we had a giant costco tub of jellybeans free for anyone, for a couple months I was pounding those things too hard. Knowing I had a weakness to it but am also pride heavy I emailed my coworkers and said if you catch me eating jelly beans I'll give you $50. Haven't touched one in over a year since I sent that email.
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    How do you guys stay healthy at work when you're working a 9-5 style job.

    When do you work out?

    What do you take to work?

    Do you eat breakfast?

    Do you pack your lunch?

    I need advice!

    Thank you :)
    I try to work out before work, it's the most reliable time in terms of being able to stay in a routine.

    I pack lunch and breakfast and snacks. I find it helps keep everything planned. Having no money to buy snacks helps.

    Take the stairs whenever possible at work, every little bit helps.
  • MissFuchsia
    MissFuchsia Posts: 523 Member
    I work out after I get home from work. I'm doing chalean extreme so at least I don't have to go out to the gym. I take my lunch to work everyday. I always have breakfast usually porridge.
  • Fattylumpkin
    Fattylumpkin Posts: 11 Member
    I have a desk job as well. However, I started bringing a huge body ball to work and instead of sitting in a chair all day, I sit and balance on the ball. It is not only great for your back but you can feel your core muscles working. I love it!

    I also take walks on my breaks, even if its to go up and down the stairs a few times and drink lots of water!! Helps with wanting to snack all day at work. If you do want to snack always have a fruit bowl by your desk. This has helped me quite a bit!

    Stay Healthy My Friends!! :)
  • MrsJohnston
    MrsJohnston Posts: 43 Member
    I try to get to the gym before work to make sure I don't skip it after work when I'm tired. I find this also gives me a huge amount of energy for my day! My breakfasts usually involve something fast, like whole wheat toast and honey or oatmeal. I make sure to pack my snacks and lunch so that I don't eat out. I bring a mid-morning snack (hummus and carrot sticks are my fav!) and an afternoon snack to make sure I don't get hungry. It also helps to make sure I eat enough during the day. It sounds funny, but I have a hard time reaching my calorie goal for the day when I eat healthy!! Since I get an hr lunch I spend 30 min eating and 30 min walking to get some extra exercise in.
    It takes a lot of planning, but I feel so much better!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I work minimum 9 hour days at a desk job.

    When do you work out? I take a brisk walk every morning as soon as I get up at 6 am. I also do pilates 2x a week after work.

    What do you take to work? Clothes for pilates on class days, as I head there right after work. I always have my 27 ounce Klean Kanteen bottle with me so I drink water all day.

    Do you eat breakfast? Always. Usually something like a piece of toast, bowl of oatmeal, then I snack in the morning at work on Greek yogurt and almonds.

    Do you pack your lunch? Almost always (except today!). I have a microwave and toaster oven at my disposal. I'll bring sandwiches, salads, wraps, leftovers, soups, etc.