College Food

I'm in college and live in a dorm, so its nearly impossible for me to cook. I have a meal plan, but I often don't have enough time to go to the dining center. What are some good, quick meals I can make in a microwave? Currently, I eat a lot of oatmeal, cereal, and toast, but I'd like to kick the breakfast food habit and find something more dinner-like. Also, how healthy are the frozen "diet" meals like Lean Pockets, Lean Cuisine, etc.? I've been wary to try them.


  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    The Lean Cuisines/Smart Ones/etc are high in sodium just like any pre-packaged meal, but as long as you're drinking enough water, you'll be fine. Many of them are also preservative free (Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice, anyway) and taste alright for being a TV dinner. Try salads -- no cooking involved and you can add anything you want to them -- cottage cheese, fresh fruit, etc.
  • KitKB
    KitKB Posts: 45 Member
    You could invest in a cheap 3-cup rice cooker. Most of them come with a steamer tray. You could then cook a rice pilaf or other rice below and steam veggies or fish on top... Simple and quick.
  • jennalink807
    jennalink807 Posts: 226 Member
    The best investment I ever made while in college was a george foreman grill. If you get them on amazon the smaller models are only 15-20 dollars. You can make any meats on that thing, and then microwave-steam veggies (just through whatever vegetables you want in a bowl with water in the bottom, cover it with a plate, and microwave-steam to perfection!).
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    Many schools restrict the use of specific cooking devices in their dorms. I know I would not have been allowed a George Foreman Grill. We were allowed a microwave and a coffee pot. Nothing else. If they discovered anything not allowed during room inspections, then it was taken from you to be picked up at the end of the semester.

    It sucks.

    Steamed vegetables are a great way to bulk up meals. You can get all sorts in the freezer section.

    The frozen meals are pretty high in sodium, but when you are very limited in what you have access to, then they also work.

    Lots of fresh vegetables and fruits.

    Do you live close to home or a friend's home? Maybe you can head there for a big cooking day and make food that will last for awhile in the freezer. Would be better then frozen, but just as easy on a daily basis.

    Good luck! I remember dorm living and I hated it. Food was one of those reasons!
  • KitKB
    KitKB Posts: 45 Member
    Many schools restrict the use of specific cooking devices in their dorms.

    LoL - I had an Easy Bake Oven in my dorm room just for the sole reason that my RA couldn't figure out how to ban a cooking device that only used a light bulb. . .