friend me if you are 40ish

I'm looking for MFP friends who are in their 40s like I am...harder to lose weight the older one gets...need support? Friend me.


  • matt121073
    matt121073 Posts: 2 Member
    ha ha I wish I could lose weight like i did when i was in my twenties !! Its a tough battle as i near the big 40.... the gym helps loads but still its a slow battle I will win !
  • Zodiacsmom
    Zodiacsmom Posts: 105 Member
    Does 39 count? :)
  • melonsss
    melonsss Posts: 144 Member
    hi aim 45 and it is harder to lose the weight. I will send you a friends request
  • WilmaLewis
    WilmaLewis Posts: 4 Member
    Mine started when I was 38, it just seemed that all of my muscles and tone where being smothered by all this new jiggly diamorphous fat that clung to me like titanic survivors to a life raft.

    All the normal activities I did before to lose weight do not result in the fat leaving my body. I have to do so much more to even get a tiny hint of progress that the chicken cheese nachoes on Saturday night usually win out over my despair. Which goes directly to my inner thigh jiggle or my nice new friend, the belly dancer (you know the jiggly kind that has no form or texture whatsover, loose skin combined with over 40 fat.

    I am depressed now, I need some Wavy Lays.