loosing weight but not inches



  • Journey2bFit
    I have lost 13.75 inches the last 2 weeks, but weigh more than when I started. I know that I am building muscle, and they weigh more than fat, but I sure would like to see the scale drop. I know, though, by building the fat-burning muscle, it's only a matter of time before the weight starts dropping, too. I have heard that the first several pounds we lose is mostly water anyway. It shouldn't be long until you start losing inches. Hang in there!!! Don't let anything deter you from your goal!
  • BrandiLynn8064
    I have this same issue:(
  • Just_Bethy
    You don't lose weight in sections of your body. You're losing it all around that's why it doesn't seem like it, but watch... once you hit 20 pounds look at your before and after picture. You'll see improvements definitely! Just keep doing what you're doing! :)
    This exactly... I started at 210 (5'3") and it was 25lbs before I noticed real inch loss and it really went whoosh from there! You ARE losing..but like the above poster says..is a little ALL over!!!:D You are ROCKING!! Give it time to show!!
  • Alison_84
    Ugh I feel your pain, same thing happened to me last year! I had lost around 12 pounds but still in the same size, clothes didn't even feel looser... It's so discouraging!!! But I'm sure like others have said on here that it will improve with time. I stopped going to the gym last year and now I'm starting over.. again!! I wish I had never stopped because i had taken before and during pics and there was a difference, I gave up too easily!!! You should def take some pics of yourself to keep you motivated!
  • stayceal
    I'm in the same boat in a way. I just figure that I'm just now TRULY fitting into the size I've been wearing. So unless I want to squeeze into the lower size, I'm not complaining.
  • BrandNewMia
    I am 5'7", I started a lot heavier than you (260) but it was honestly about 20-30 lbs before I started noticing my clothes getting more loose, or before I had to go down to a smaller size.

    Another MFPer once said this (I can't remember her name but she lost like 100lbs) and it is SO true, I won't be able to say it as well as she did but I will try to explain. Think of your body like a full roll of paper towels, your goal weight being the inner cardboard tube. Think of each paper towel as a pound. Take one or two away and the roll still looks full, and the sheet barely goes around the whole roll. But as you keep losing weight, and the roll gets smaller and smaller, each sheet might wrap around the middle 2-4 times...

    So, the weight coming off isn't noticable now, but the further you are in your journey the faster you will see the results. Keep going, you're going to see big changes very soon!