Who else?

SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
Ever since I got into fitness and eating right... I actually thought of several new career possibilities regarding nutrition and personal training... Has anyone else thought like this?

Currently I'm an art student and wouldn't give that up for the world, but I wouldn't mind going back to school for something new :)


  • TinaBoo1981
    TinaBoo1981 Posts: 6 Member
    Yeah always had a thought about becoming a police officer but never really took the thought seriously since I was 75 pounds over weight and far from being in shape to do it. I never thought I would get skinny. Now that I have I am starting to really think about it as something more serious and still debating on if I want to sign up. I went so far as to have already gone and got information about the academy. I just can't make up my mind!