Every Day???

I just started the 30 Day Shred. Almost 2 years ago I was able to do level 3 with vertually no problems and I could also run 4 miles a few times a week.
Well, lets just say I haven't done any exercise in about 6 months and have eaten nothing but utter crap. I've gained about 40 or so lbs because of it. (depression issues)
Anyhow, I did the first day of the workout and from what I understand you do it every day for the 30 days. But...what if you are in a lot of pain. My arms, shoulders, and legs are killing me. I have a manual transmission in my car and I could barely push the clutch in. My thigh was crying and yelling at me. LOL!
So my question is...should I take a day off? I was thinking of doing a nice easy paced walk on the treadmill for about an hour instead.
But, I don't want to be a big fat baby either. In the past I've always been one to push no matter what. Now that I'm closing in on 40 I've noticed my joints aren't liking that.
What should I do? Should I push through it, or take it easy and just do a walk on the treadmill then go back to it tomorrow?
Thanks everyone!


  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Try doing it for at least one or two days more before resting, just so you get into it. Also remember to stretch!
    Its up to you how many times a week you do it but even Jillian suggest at least one day of rest per week.
  • kikimama125
    Try a banana too. The potassium can help. And I second the streching before and after! Maybe try streching a few times during the day to help get the sore out of your muscles? That usually helps me. I also find once you push through it, it seems to help over all.
  • eatingmysandshoe
    Maybe try doing it again but do the easy versions where possible, ie. keep it very low impact, don't do such deep squats, use lighter weights etc. So hopefully you'll still get a bit of a workout, but wont hurt too much!
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    I remember reading somewhere that there was a blog post or an article where Jillian said it's not designed to be done every day. Personally, I alternate days and workouts. I find the 30DS or RI30 are too much to do back to back. Listen to your body and you'll do fine.
  • KaraP18
    KaraP18 Posts: 145 Member
    I personally read an article two days ago from Jillian Michaels website that says you should not exercise a muscle that is sore. It is repairing itself and needs time to heal to avoid injury.
  • KaraP18
    KaraP18 Posts: 145 Member
    I have also found that if my legs are sore the day after a workout and i go for a walk then the next day they are usually better.
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    Just a side note: exercising while sore is a good idea. You need to get those muscles working to increase blood flow which REDUCES soreness.

    30 DS isn't such heavy lifting that you can't do it every day but I personally would be bored. I can only hear her commentary so often.
  • bitty1taz
    bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
    I ended up getting on the treadmill. I upped the incline a bit and I think I'll be glad I did the walk instead of the 30DS. But...I'll be back at it tomorrow.