Fast burn out??

Why is when I start a “healthier lifestyle” program I get super motivated and fully charged for a week or so, then I burn out really fast? Does anyone else do this? What do I do to get over this? I cannot tell you how many times I’ve done this… Each time resulting in a ten pound weight gain rather then loss!! My husband doesn’t help… we decided together that we both need to lose weight and exercise, yet when it’s time for the rubber to meet the road – he suddenly decides it’s too hard and he’s not going to try as hard as me. This is very frustrating for me as he wants all the food and drinks I gave up. I don’t want to sound like my husband is a jerk – he’s a great man who loves me very much. But, I know if I had his support this would be easier. It is the same each time I’ve tried this… I’ve thought about joining a weight loss group – such as Weight Watchers – but, truthfully my husband and I just bought a new home and we have three children – one of which is starting college in the fall… I’ve got the knowledge to do this on my own – I just need a weight loss buddy who will not give up on our diet and provide the motivation and support. Any suggestions on how to get over this burn out hump would be greatly appreciated!!


  • denz100plus
    denz100plus Posts: 41 Member
    Hi Melissa,

    I am the same. I have been doing this for almost 2 weeks now and in the first week I dropped 3kgs (6lbs) but now it has gone up a pound and it will not move, not matter what I do. So I am at the "demotivated what is the point" stage. But I really really need to lose 40kg (I think that is like 80-100lbs). Why the heck can it not come off as easy as it goes on!!

    I also have 3 children - all boys aged 2-8. Husband who is also big, but is ho hum about weight loss. And a full time job with little time. So I know the pressures. I feel like a loser when I say I am going out for a walk. I am sure he does not think anything of it, it is just in my mind. But still.

    Maybe we can help each other out.

    What I want to know, if anyone is reading this.... is it normal to stop losing weight after a week or two and when does it kick back in? I am seriously thinking of giving up low cal for low carb. Any advice would be great.

  • I've used this app before - but only on my phone and did not realize there was this awesome community of supportive services!! I am excited once again!!!

    My mom was diagnosed with high blood pressure late 2010 and over the course of like 6 months, lost over 65 pounds. She was exercising every day and doing great until she hit the great plateau... She stopped and gave up and gained a lot of that weight back.

    I am not a doctor- but I once read there are three different body types. I cannot remember all of them but I am considered endomorph - which is apple or pear shaped. Each body type has a different metobolism and therefore weight loss is triggered by different factors. Perhaps this is something for you to look into? I also read that if you are Vit D deficient your body will have a much more difficult time losing weight.

    I agree with you - the fact that you exercise till it hurts, eat the right foods, and still see no results is frustrating and a huge motivation killer. I was just thinking this morning when I put on my work clothes and the frumpy buldges from my out of shape belly poked through my clothes... this went on sooo much easier than it's going to come off.
  • I find this site (esp my MFP pals) to be a huge motivator! :smile:

    I have been a yo-yo dieter since my second year of College. I'm hopeing this will be the end of that!