Game Meat and Fowl... Your Opinion

Okay, I am not sure there have been other topics on this, but I would like to know everyone's opinion on this.

My family are big NRA advocates and hunting enthusiasts.

Every year my father, brother-in-law, and sister all go deer, wild boar, pheasant, and elk hunting. I have tasted each and at charity dinners have had bear meat.

Each meat I have had has been succulent and deliciously prepared. Hell I have made pot roast using a deer roast instead of beef and my father couldn't tell the difference until my mother and I told him I used the deer meat he brought home after hunting one weekend.

I can also tell those who have never tried game meat or fowl that the meat is much more tender and leaner in fat when compared to beef, chicken, turkey or domesticated pork.

I can actually see the difference in fat levels because when compared to their counter parts I see hardly any fat deposits. Not only that but they have less chance of being pumpe full of hormones or antibiotics.

So my suggestion is if you want healthier meat alternatives, and are not vegetarian or vegan try going to a meat shop and buying venison, wild boar or other such meat. Or if you have a hankering try your hand at hunting. After practicing and going through a rifle/gun/shotgun safety course.