1 recipe 2 meals!

skywa Posts: 901 Member
Okay so i was just pulling some stuff together that i had in my fridge yesterday and managed to make dinner and lunch the next day out of it, and they're pretty different taste wise and such. With half of it i made past and the other half i made a sandwich

This is enough for 2 meals for 1 person. Multiply the ingredients to make it for a family.

1 can of tuna (i like white albacore)
5 med-shirmp (de-veined and cut in 4's)
1/8 cup onion
1-2 tblsp garlic (minced)
1/4-1/2 cup tomato (chopped)

This is the base. I also add various veggies into the mix. I like to keep it colourful, but honestly i just pulled out whatever left over veggies i had in the fridge, its up to you. So i added:

1/8 cup yellow squash
1/8 cup mushroom
1/4 cup roasted red peppers

So all you have to do it start off by sautaying the onions. Get them slightly translucent at a med heat. Then add the drained tunna and kinda just chop it up in the pan with your wooden spoon/spatula ect. Turn up the heat a little and throw in the shrimp once you start smelling the tuna cook. Add a pinch of salt, pepper, and cayanne (only a pinch!). Then add a little bit of water to the pan (use the starchy water from the pasta if your making pasta out of this) and then throw in the veggies. Mix it up, lower the heat to medium and let the veggies cook away (feel free to add a little more pepper).


When i make the pasta i throw a little parmesean on top.

When i make a sandwich i chop up the cooked mixture after its cooled (u can use a food processor for this if your lazy i guess). Then i add 1 tblsp dijon mustard, 1 tblsp light mayo, and 1 tblsp greek yogurt. Mix it all up, and put it on some bread. Yummm. C:

Nutritional Value:
Calories 229
Protein 43 grams
Carbs 7 grams
Fat 5 grams

This is just for the meat/veggie mixture. You'll have to add the calories ect for the pasta/bread depending on what meal you make. :3