How often does everyone "cheat"?



  • fitobsessed
    Child please (lmao) I had half of an apple pie that my mother made for me this past weekend and I didn't lie when I entered it in my diary either. I refused! LOL Plus by NOT lying about it, it makes me know I need to work out hard during the week.
  • cuteness81104
    cuteness81104 Posts: 131 Member
    All the time!!!!!!!! but if I eat junk I add an extra workout to make up for it
  • Canadien
    Canadien Posts: 122 Member
    I cheat whenever I want to. :P I don't call it "cheating" because I don't consider this a diet. Whenever I feel like eating something like a cinnamon bun or a slice of pizza, I go for it - but I don't overdo it. I get sick if I eat sweet things so that rules out a lot of junk food, lol. I feel like throwing up if I eat that stuff, which I guess is a good thing. :P
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    The concept of cheating is pretty foreign to the attitude I have about losing weight. Some days are way over goal and others are under goal. If it balances out at the end of the week, great. If not, I know I have slowed my weight loss a bit. But you can't really "cheat" on how you're living your life, in my opinion.
  • Alexdur85
    Alexdur85 Posts: 255 Member
    Everyday but I don't call it cheating.
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    Once a week! But I eat my exercise calories so I can have regular food sometimes ---is that cheating?
  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
    Once a week. And it's not like a binge either. I'm usually still within my calorie limit. I still log everything I eat/drink.
  • andreacord
    I'll usually have a cheat meal on Friday or Saturday, or a dessert instead of a "meal" per se.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I always log my food, but once in a while I will have a "spike" day where I might be over by 200-300 calories. Maybe once every couple of months. I don't find it difficult to eat what I want and have it fit into my macros.
  • branflake5
    If you completely deprive yourself of everything then you are more likely to fail in the long run. I cheat occasionally I won't say it's a set thing like weekly or bi-weekly but sometimes you deserve an icecream:) and I have actually become quite fond of Skinny Cow Icecream products so its not as bad as it could be they are low cal and low fat and delicious!! lol Now I want to cheat :( good thing I have nothing to cheat with
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    I already allow myself 10% of my daily calories to be from whatever I want. So I have a cookie with breakfast, another cookie with lunch, and maybe some chocolate with dinner. Makes things a lot easier when you don't to worry about it.
  • leavingfat
    leavingfat Posts: 64 Member
    I plan for one cheat meal every week, but I'd do two or even three--or none at all--depending on how I feel. Recently I didn't feel like treating myself to anything special, so I just stayed home and went with the same kinds of things I eat everyday on a day I planned to treat myself to something delicious.

    Honestly, though, it doesn't really feel like a cheat to me. I think my favorite term for it (mentioned by thatsnumberwa earlier) was treat. Last week I did dinner with my in-laws (we ordered pizza and sides). The week before that, hubby and I went out for our one-year anniversary. I think it was Chipotle or something the week before that. It hasn't affected me at all.

    I always enter everything into my food diary so I can go back and see what's happening if I hit a plateau or something.
  • Mandizzlelephant
    I don't ban anything, but eat it in moderation instead. If I stay under my calories I can eat what I want and never "cheat"
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Personally I don't consider it "cheating" nor do I consider it a "treat" either.

    One cheats on their spouse- hardly the same thing as me eating a brownie. I'm fully aware that it's empty calories.

    But I also have food issues, and "rewarding" myself with having a brownie because I've been "good" or "bad" is counterproductive.
    Someone once reminded me that I'm NOT a dog- and I don't need to "reward" myself with "treats."

    So, to answer your question- how often do I cheat?
    Never. I didn't marry my refrigerator.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Chocolate isn't cheating! There is nothing wrong with chocolate. I think cheating would be going over calorie goal. The "bad" foods are your choice, hopefully they fall under your calorie goal and don't make for sluggish workouts. :)
    What do you mean by cheat? Just a "no no" food but not going over your calorie count for the day? Or do you mean blowing it calorie wise?

    I have chocolate every day but just a tiny bit. So I guess I cheat daily. But I never go over my calories and have a big cheat (or at least I haven't so far).
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Going over my calories and "cheat" days are different in my book. Cheat days I don't log, and because of that, I end up eating a lot of crap food that I very much regret the next day. Like if I don't log it, that means it didn't happen. Because of this, I'm really trying to limit my no-log days.
    If I am too ashamed to even admit to myself what I ate, maybe I shouldn't be eating it.
    That said, I'm not swearing off burgers, pizza, chocolate, or french fries. And if I go over my calories, it's okay, tomorrow is a new day full of jogging and ellipticals. But I need to hold myself accountable for what I am putting in my body, or it spins out of control.
  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    I'm loving these answers. My problem with food is that I am either "dieting" or eating everything in sight. I know if I'm going to be successful, I need to figure out a balanced attitude toard this. In the past, when I've had a bad day and gone off my "diet," I've said to myself, "Well, see you obviously can't stick with the plan, so you may as well give up and go eat that quart of ice cream in the freezer."

    I'm working hard on gaining a new attitude about food. The world is not ending today because I went over on my calories. I just need to get back on track tomorrow. I did record all of my meals today, but I'm not going let it get to me. Moving on.............

    Thanks to all of you for demonstrating a moderate, healthy approach to food that I can strive toward.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I do not think of any food as off limits. With that I don't feel that any day/time is a cheat as I can eat that food whenever I have the calories or carbs left to eat them.

    I track every day without missing one bite of food. If I go over it is because of poor choices or planning and it rarely happens. To me losing weight is not a game or hobby, it is a new way of living and I need to know my boundaries and stay within them at all times.

    I no longer use food as a reward as it got me this way. I have new non-food items for rewards now.
  • Luvlynamazing
    I love to bake so I find something sweet and delicious to make during the weekend so that i can reward myself, then i can give the rest away to family and friends to enjoy:)
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    There's no such thing as "cheating" in my way of life. I don't deprive myself of anything I love so there is no way or reason to cheat. The best way to stick to this lifestyle change is to handle everything in moderation!