I am starving! I this normal?

So i started on here on Friday last week. Previous to that, I was doing weight watchers so i'm used to tracking my food and eating less than i would like to.
For the first couple of days I was fine. I went over by 86 cals because i mis calculated on one day but have been around 100 under every other day.
Today though, I am starving- i can't eat any more until my protein shake after the gym because i have accounted for all my calories, including what i will burn in my session. Anyone else have this problem so early on?


  • How many calories are you eating per day? How much weight are you trying to lose? MFP is highly customizable so without knowing your exact profile it's hard to tell if something is wrong.
  • elledo
    elledo Posts: 80
    My cal limit is 1450. I want to lose about 20kg. I'm set to 2 pounds a week because i'm getting married in september and would like to get it off as quickly as pos.
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    I did have this problem early on because I had it set to lose 1 pound a week and it gave me 1200 calories. I would earn about 200 back from working out, but would still be hungry. Try changing some settings.
  • MummyHungry
    MummyHungry Posts: 82 Member
    In my experience, the hunger comes when I don't eat a lot volume-wise. I keep raw veggies around so that when I start to feel that way I can eat a full cup or two of cauliflower, zucchini, squash, or whatnot and only add 50 cal or less to my day. The days I feel like I'm starving all day have been the ones I've eaten more calorie-dense foods, like nuts and cheeses and desserts.
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    I just saw your settings and goal. The only other tip I can think of is look carefully at what you are eating. If you make sure you have 5 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein at every meal that can help. Veggies dipped in non-fat greek yogurt can be a good snack if you feel like you need something but don't want to go too far over on calories. Lastly you may want to consider getting a heart rate monitor (watch that comes with a chest strap) to see how many calories you are really burning. At times MFP has lower estimates.
  • elledo
    elledo Posts: 80
    I'm right on track with all the categories in my summary-except protein, where I'm a little over. I've had plenty of unrefined carbs (which if I go without, is why i'm usually hungry) I have a HRM with a chest strap and always double check the values on MFP. Maybe it's just an adjustment thing. I'm on holidays at the moment and probably have a bit much time on my hands. The raw veges are a good idea though :)
  • If you are set to lose 2 lbs a week then yes I would expect you to be feeling hungry. That's a big deficit for your body to adjust to. It will probably take several weeks for your body to accept this as the new "normal". You might want to re-work your meals in the meantime so that you can have some more snacks throughout the day, or at least during times when you know you are going to be feeling hungry.

    If you don't already, I would also consider adding a weight-lifting workout to your schedule. Weight-lifting helps your body build muscle, which in turn helps your body work more efficiently and thus burn more calories even when it is at rest. Muscle building in women often causes inches to drop off even when the numbers on the scale remain the same.

    Foods that are low in calories and high in protein are more filling than carbs or fats, so try to include as many of those in your diet as possible. MFP has a very low protein goal so don't be afraid to go over it. Low protein on top of a calorie deficit results in your body dropping muscle as well as fat, which isn't good.

    Drink LOTS of water. Spice it up with lemon or fruit, or herbal teas. A flavorful herbal tea can really stop hunger cravings.
  • You will get used to it - its your body adjusting .. give it a couple of weeks and you will feel better - and you know if you are "starving" - just fill up on healthy low cal - low fat snacks - veggies - salads, homemade soups - all can be very filling and pretty low cal.

    maybe you arent eating the right sort of food? - remember when it comes to veg greener is better (leafy greens, beans, squash ect)- meat leaner (chicken- turkey breast meat, no skinn, lean cut of biff - tofu, all white fish, all sea food, beans and lentils) - and the carbs should be brown (whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole wheat pasta/couscous, and the amazing quinoa)

    GL :)
  • wildkatt7
    wildkatt7 Posts: 163 Member
    better to start with 1 pound per week and then up it after a few weeks... let your body move in gradually.... though having veggies and other low cal snacks on hand is good... simple rule... if you are hungry your body is saying "feed me" so feed yourself... just be smart about it...
  • You might try reducing your carb intake a bit and increasing your protein and fiber intake. Fiber does a terrific job of satisfying hunger. Many good veggies are high in fiber, including broccoli, squash, zucchini. You could even add a couple tbl spoons of flax seed to your daily diet. Ensure that your getting enough good fats. A combination of this will curb your appetite very well.

    It's a process. A fine tuning to find what works for you. I've done weight watchers in the past and I was always starving too. I prefer low carbing for a lot of reasons, but probably the biggest bonus is when your in ketosis, your appetite is very suppressed. Choose what works best for you.

    Good luck.
  • BigMamy
    BigMamy Posts: 43 Member
    Hi. I can't give you much advice however I was the same as you. I started a week ago on Saturday and on the Wednesday of last week I was "starving". However, this week has been much better and to be honest I haven't been as hungry as I was last Wednesday again. Have a look at my diary and see if it helps you. I'm aiming for 2lbs per week too.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Today though, I am starving- i can't eat any more until my protein shake after the gym because i have accounted for all my calories, including what i will burn in my session. Anyone else have this problem so early on?

    Eating your exercise calories back, since you have accurate estimate with HRM?

    Or are you double-deficiting, the 1000 cal/day MFP introduces, and your exercise?

    Now that would be a shock to the system.

    Either keep eating this way, and eventually your metabolism will slow down to match what you are doing to your body. And then you'll need to eat less. Then the exercise will tear down muscle for energy since not enough to keep it around. And then less metabolism, and need to eat even less, and then you'll fail trying to eat so little.


    Get the calculations down to a safe level, don't shock the system too much at first, and be patient.
  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    if you up your protein you will find you aren't as hungry....I was saying the same thing to my Doctor a while ago, he says "yes it is actually good to feel hunger sometimes" LOL wow it had been so long since I had experienced hunger I forgot what it was!!!
  • elledo
    elledo Posts: 80
    If you are set to lose 2 lbs a week then yes I would expect you to be feeling hungry. That's a big deficit for your body to adjust to. It will probably take several weeks for your body to accept this as the new "normal". You might want to re-work your meals in the meantime so that you can have some more snacks throughout the day, or at least during times when you know you are going to be feeling hungry.

    If you don't already, I would also consider adding a weight-lifting workout to your schedule. Weight-lifting helps your body build muscle, which in turn helps your body work more efficiently and thus burn more calories even when it is at rest. Muscle building in women often causes inches to drop off even when the numbers on the scale remain the same.

    Foods that are low in calories and high in protein are more filling than carbs or fats, so try to include as many of those in your diet as possible. MFP has a very low protein goal so don't be afraid to go over it. Low protein on top of a calorie deficit results in your body dropping muscle as well as fat, which isn't good.

    Drink LOTS of water. Spice it up with lemon or fruit, or herbal teas. A flavorful herbal tea can really stop hunger cravings.

    Yep- doing 6 small meals. Lifting 3 times a week. 3 days of cardio alternating. And drinking so much water that i am up and down up to 15 times a day. Sorry if that's TMI!
  • elledo
    elledo Posts: 80
    ARGGG! doing a;; those things! lol
  • elledo
    elledo Posts: 80
    Today though, I am starving- i can't eat any more until my protein shake after the gym because i have accounted for all my calories, including what i will burn in my session. Anyone else have this problem so early on?

    Eating your exercise calories back, since you have accurate estimate with HRM?

    Or are you double-deficiting, the 1000 cal/day MFP introduces, and your exercise?

    Now that would be a shock to the system.

    Either keep eating this way, and eventually your metabolism will slow down to match what you are doing to your body. And then you'll need to eat less. Then the exercise will tear down muscle for energy since not enough to keep it around. And then less metabolism, and need to eat even less, and then you'll fail trying to eat so little.


    Get the calculations down to a safe level, don't shock the system too much at first, and be patient.
  • elledo
    elledo Posts: 80
    Today though, I am starving- i can't eat any more until my protein shake after the gym because i have accounted for all my calories, including what i will burn in my session. Anyone else have this problem so early on?

    Eating your exercise calories back, since you have accurate estimate with HRM?

    Or are you double-deficiting, the 1000 cal/day MFP introduces, and your exercise?

    Now that would be a shock to the system.

    What do you mean by double deficiting?

    My goal is 1450. According to my HRM, I'm burning around 400-500 cals, therefore i am consuming around 1600 or 1700 cals each day.
  • Yes, I had this problem previosly after my pregnancy when I lost 13 KGs. I felt really hungry for the first 2-3 weeks and I was on 1220 kcal a day plus 124 kcal I would earn by walking 30 mins every day.
    (see I still rememeber it and it was over a year ago!)

    But I noticed that after this period I learned how to manage my calories better and spread them around so I am never starving. Like you can really fill up on lots of foods with little calories, like steamed vegetables, an egg or hummus (my favorite snack - hummus with carrot or cucumber sticks)
  • torie079
    torie079 Posts: 179 Member
    I feel the same way!! My calorie goal is 1200 and I feel hungry most at night:-/
  • elledo
    elledo Posts: 80
    @ellaschmidhei I think that's why i'm finding it so frustrating. Because I do have a pretty good understanding of the right foods to eat and how to spread them around. I've been doing this for over 2 years using weight watchers but on MFP, it's killing me!