Appetite Suppressant

What is wrong with me????

I am hungry within an hour of eating. I keep a ton of fruit on hand to satisfy the hunger but the scale says that my method is not working for me.

Can anyone please share the name of an appetite suppressant that not only works but won't make my heart feel like its racing.


  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Have you tried drinking some water? Or increasing your protein to keep you feeling full longer?
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    i know of a great appetite suppressant, comes in the way of foods such as steak, greek yogurt, chicken, turkey and eggs. it's name is protein.. :)
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    You should be drinking at least a gallon of water a day and that will suppress your appetite. Also eat "heavier" foods, like the previous poster said ...protein. However, I've had days where I've just been starving. That being said, eat some clean protein (ie. baked chicken or tuna).
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    I would like to seems I have the same appetite as the OP. I am always hungry. I HATE being hungry. It leads to my obesity problem.

    I have NOT noticed protein keeps me with a full feeling any longer than any other food. I am sure this is true for some, but not for me unfortunately.

    To keep me from eating a high calorie meal I do a number of things:

    1. Eat a LARGE bowl of roasted or steamed veggies with the tiniest amount of butter. And a pinch of salt & pepper. This is filling and you save many calories for later in the day. The veggies taste better when they are piping hot.
    2. Talk to myself. Say, "self, I really don't want to eat. I want to be thin and cute. Bad self!".
    3. I have used a common doctor prescribed appetite suppressant through a reputable weight loss specialist. I know to some this is cheating. But it is helping me to gain the skills for when I eventually am not taking this medication.
    4. Thumb through a magazine and get inspired by pictures of fit people.
    5. Think how I will feel when yet again when I am the overweight person in the group. I will feel like a lazy loser.
    6. Tis' true... drink lots of water. Add fiber to your water on occasion.

    I so wish there was an effective drug on the market that did supress the appetite. All this obesity in America and no company has produced an effective, safe medication? Think how much money could be made if a safe one were developed. Think how many people would be helped. It must not be possible to develop a safe, effective appetite suppressant or one would be out and available by prescription.