New mom - new to dieting

ABragdon1 Posts: 8
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I dont really know what to say but I am new to this dieting stuff. I have never really cared before now. If I can be any help to anyone let me know! I fully believe the buddy system works. Any other new moms out there?


  • Hi! I dont really know what to say but I am new to this dieting stuff. I have never really cared before now. If I can be any help to anyone let me know! I fully believe the buddy system works. Any other new moms out there?
  • BxMom
    BxMom Posts: 363


    You have found your very own cheerleading group here
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    i am a new mom with a 7 month old....
  • my son is 3 weeks old - I dont even feel like a mom yet.
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    congrats on the new baby, and on joining. Try not to look at it as dieting, but as a lifestyle change, because it's really a lifetime commitment :flowerforyou:
  • good point i just dont know what else to call it - lifestyle change it is
  • carrie11777
    carrie11777 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi I am a new mom to a 2 yr maybe not so new anymore:tongue: WELCOME! I gained 60lbs during my pregnancy:sad: and I am still 40 lbs over where I want to be. It is so difficult when you let yourself go. I can totally relate...But it is not impossible to change I am so determined. I love this site! Makes it so easy to count calories and realize how many calories certain foods have. You can do it!:flowerforyou:
  • shay12
    shay12 Posts: 20

    I am a new mom to a 7 month old girl. I gained 60 lbs during prenancy and reached my highest weight which was 210 I also lost about 30ish or so pounds right after she was born but then somehow gained 10 back?!

    Anyway welcome and I know you will enjoy MFP
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. I just know you will love this site if you don't already, I love it here. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, and everyone here is so nice, and friendly. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this. :smile: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
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