Great Recipe - Chicken & Black Beans

My husband and I are eating extremely clean and healthy and we came up with this recipe tonight and it was amazing. He is on the P90X plan so we incorporated all the protein we could in this meal.

There was only 3 of us tonight, but you could alternate for a bigger or smaller family.

3 - 4oz chicken breast (boneless & skinless)
1 can black beans (rinsed & drained)
Pace Thick & Chunky Salsa (2 tbs per chicken breast)
1 - lime

I grilled the chicken breast and put a little lime and dried cilantro on it while it was on the grill.

Once the chicken was off the grill - I put the whole can of black beans in the microwave for about 2 min. in a microwave safe bowl. (I used Bush's brand as it has the most protein)

I spread the beans on the bottom of the plate (approx 3 servings/can) Cut up the chicken breast and put on top of the black beans - then I put more lime juice on top of that. I topped it off with approx 2 - 3 tbs of Pace Chunky Salsa. (It has virtually no calories -10 cal/2 tbs).

As an added side, I took a whole red pepper, cut it up into strips and put it into an aluminum foil pouch and put it on for the last 7 - 8 minutes that the chicken was grilling. This is just enough time to make them a little soft. Can season with whatever you like.

My husband loved this and it gave him a lot of protein because of the black beans and the chicken. You could add a little 2% cheese on top if you wish.

Simple, easy, and the clean up was almost nothing!!!

We figured with the type of salsa we used and the black beans, each serving was around 400 calories. It was delicious!!!!!!!!


  • imcrystal
    imcrystal Posts: 21
    My husband and I are eating extremely clean and healthy and we came up with this recipe tonight and it was amazing. He is on the P90X plan so we incorporated all the protein we could in this meal.

    There was only 3 of us tonight, but you could alternate for a bigger or smaller family.

    3 - 4oz chicken breast (boneless & skinless)
    1 can black beans (rinsed & drained)
    Pace Thick & Chunky Salsa (2 tbs per chicken breast)
    1 - lime

    I grilled the chicken breast and put a little lime and dried cilantro on it while it was on the grill.

    Once the chicken was off the grill - I put the whole can of black beans in the microwave for about 2 min. in a microwave safe bowl. (I used Bush's brand as it has the most protein)

    I spread the beans on the bottom of the plate (approx 3 servings/can) Cut up the chicken breast and put on top of the black beans - then I put more lime juice on top of that. I topped it off with approx 2 - 3 tbs of Pace Chunky Salsa. (It has virtually no calories -10 cal/2 tbs).

    As an added side, I took a whole red pepper, cut it up into strips and put it into an aluminum foil pouch and put it on for the last 7 - 8 minutes that the chicken was grilling. This is just enough time to make them a little soft. Can season with whatever you like.

    My husband loved this and it gave him a lot of protein because of the black beans and the chicken. You could add a little 2% cheese on top if you wish.

    Simple, easy, and the clean up was almost nothing!!!

    We figured with the type of salsa we used and the black beans, each serving was around 400 calories. It was delicious!!!!!!!!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    mmmm.I love this meal...clean burnin fuel.....just watch the sodium...I rinse the beans and make the salza fresh wih tomatoes, onions, garlic and whatever else is in the fridge
  • imcrystal
    imcrystal Posts: 21
    Yeah, I did rinse the beans....forgot to put that in there. I need a good recipe for fresh you have one???
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I am a chop it up and throw it kind of cook on the fly guy....

    for salsa,,,,2 fresh tomatoes...4 cloves of garlic...1 green onion...fist of cilantro...juice of one juicy lemon
    sea pepper...jalapeno if you like it

    chop the garlic up and roast in a pan till lightly browned
    chop the tomatoes and squeeze some into the bowl for a juicy salsa
    chop the green onion (use the whole thing)
    chop up the cilantro amount to your taste
    chop the green pepper and the jalapeno

    mix it up
    pour lemon juice
    sea salt it
    toss in the toasted garlic
    mix into the black beans
    over the grilled chicken
    and heaven on a plate
    ....great,,,now I am hungry again
  • imcrystal
    imcrystal Posts: 21
    That sounds really good!!! Thanks for the recipe - it's morning time for me but I think I could eat it again just thinking about it!