cant seem to get motivated to Exercise

Hi all, I cant seem to get motivated to get up and exercise when I get home from work. I currently get in from work at 6 o'clock and then prepare dinner but cant seem to get motivation to want to get up and exercise (especially in the dark winters) and im feeling knackered constantly. Once or maybe twice if I have energy I might do some Zumba on my Wii, but wish that i could tone up more often. Any advice on how people found their motivation to get exercising or any advise on fun exercies that help tone up fat thighs/butt???

Thanks in advance

Kelly: smile:


  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Just like making food-related changes, you have to make exercise into a habit....

    Pre plan your exercise like you pre plan your meals.

    Youre gonna have to commit to this probably 18 or 20 times before it just falls into the category of "I WILL be doing this"..

    Im about to take on a new job here and one of the perks is that its FREE GYM MEMBERSHIP for their employees. If that isnt motivation enough, then Im gonna gain back my weight that I worked so hard to accomplish so far.

    I dont know if you are married or with someone, but there is no reason why said-person couldnt prepare dinner ahead to help you out, get the crockpot set up and not worry about dinner, etc.

    You just have to create solutions for yourself... and not excuses...
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    You can exercise right after work, before your prepare dinner...can you change into your workout gear at work, so you are all set to do it?

    or, get up earlier and workout in the am before your day starts...

    I schedule my workouts like appoinments...that way I don't schedule something else in its timeslot....

    like Nike says..."Just do it"
  • :) Hi. The hardest thing I think I have ever done is committed to an exercise regimen. Oh, did I mention that today is only the 2nd day I've been on it? LOL. IT IS HARD. However.. I found that if I get up EARLY... 4:30- 4:45 before I have time to think of anything and when everything is still quiet and there is nothing to distract me, I wash my face grab a bottle of water and do 30 minutes on a treadmill. I have burned 160 - 180 calories apiece the first 2 days. My goal is to get to 250/ day 4 days a week on the treadmill.. and of course getting off the couch and out from in front of the computer on the weekends! I think doing it in the morning is going to be key for me to stick to it. Just thought I could offer that suggestion. Good Luck on your journey!
  • kellyh2
    kellyh2 Posts: 64
    Thanks all for the advice so far, I do try to work it in, but as you say I make excuses for not doing it a lot of the time through lack of motivation.

    Yeah I will make a exercise calendar for the first few weeks to get me into the habit of slotting it into my daily routine. Any ideas for good forms of high calorie burning exercise would be good, or even just what has worked/motivated you?

    If any one fancies becoming friends on here to help motivate each other would appreciate some support/give some support to others :-)

    Kelly x
  • eayal002
    eayal002 Posts: 186
    Hi all, I cant seem to get motivated to get up and exercise when I get home from work. I currently get in from work at 6 o'clock and then prepare dinner but cant seem to get motivation to want to get up and exercise (especially in the dark winters) and im feeling knackered constantly. Once or maybe twice if I have energy I might do some Zumba on my Wii, but wish that i could tone up more often. Any advice on how people found their motivation to get exercising or any advise on fun exercies that help tone up fat thighs/butt???

    Thanks in advance

    Kelly: smile:

    I just take the first step, it is the hardest one to take. Once you take that one take another... Once you are working out you will feel much better and be glad you took that first step.
  • I do my major cardio workout at work. Yes at work, with permission from my boss, I come to work 30 minutes early. I get an hour for lunch unpaid, now because of my early arrival time I get 90 minutes. I take these 90 minutes to change my clothes do a 45 minutes cardio workout on the mezzanine stairs (which is now equal to 120 flights of stairs) and the remainder is to clean up and redress for the office. (I eat while I work). Would this help you?
  • kellyh2
    kellyh2 Posts: 64
    I only get a 30 minute lunch break but as we are so short staffed in the NHS I dont tend to take much of a break at work and just eat at my desk most days. But I think trying to slot some in the morning may help. All very helpfull suggestions, keep them coming :-)
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    Once you start logging your exercise and see how many calories you get to eat (healthy now :P), you'll make a habit of it. Or if you actually do want a cheat day, you'll know about how much of what food you want to cheat with.
  • kellyh2
    kellyh2 Posts: 64
    Once you start logging your exercise and see how many calories you get to eat (healthy now :P), you'll make a habit of it. Or if you actually do want a cheat day, you'll know about how much of what food you want to cheat with.

    I like you way of thinking :-)
  • xSarahToninx
    xSarahToninx Posts: 2 Member
    As mentioned, make yourself an exercise schedule.
    Keep it realistic - it's no use committing yourself to an hour a day if you think you'll only do half that.
    Set short term goals - for example, to work out 3 times a week; keep it achievable, whatever your goal.
    Keep a diary/log, so you can see how much you're achieving.
    Why not commit yourself to just 20 minutes to begin with - the "something is better than nothing" philosophy?
    As someone else said, try sometimes fitting your workout in before you go to work: not only will you spend the whole day feeling positive and motivated (and less likely to make poor food choices), but doing it fasted will kick start your metabolism.
    Most importantly, do something you enjoy - whatever it is, dancing around in your living room, going for a walk/run, doing some strength training - if you don't enjoy it, you won't want to do it - and juggle it up every few weeks, to keep your schedule from getting stale.

    I spent 3 years doing nothing but cardio (running and cycling), with moderate results (Sure, I completed half marathons, but not in the time I wanted). I asked myself the classic Jillian Michaels question: "And how's that working for you?". It wasn't. So I stopped flogging a dying horse and decided to turn my whole routine on its head. Shorter, more intense sessions, added in workout DVDs from different sources, bought a load of PS3 Move games (who'd have thought I'd enjoy boxing?! But it's a killer!) and just basically mix and match my week AND MAKE IT FUN!
    I always have a plan and set sessions I do each week, but I often swap them around, to fit with my time.

    It takes 28 (ish) days to form a routine/habit. The most important thing is to get in the right mindset and just do it. As soon as you start giving yourself choices and get out clauses, you'll find an excuse to do something else.
    Keep your mindset on the positive, rather than the negative. Focus on the workouts you DID, rather than what else you could have done. You can always do more, but everything starts with small steps. Do too much and you'll end up in pain and not wanting to repeat it.

    Good luck!