you experiences with zumba?



  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    Love it. It's been my main source of exercise and has helped me lose 40 pounds. :)
  • amyholliman
    amyholliman Posts: 1 Member
    My local library has some Zumba DVDs that I checked out for free. You could try that first. I enjoy the classes better, but Zumba is awesome.
  • erieli04
    erieli04 Posts: 37 Member
    Zumba has changed my life! I've only ever taken actual classes and I would encourage anyone to do so if you have the opportunity. I've been doing it for over a year and that is the longest I've ever been able to stick with any kind of exercise program. The hard part is sticking with it...I will admit that it is difficult in the beginning, especially if you don't have a dance background or any experience in learning choreography...but if you can stick with it long enough to get the hang of it, it is SO worth it. I've lost almost 65 pounds in the last 8 months and I attribute a lot of my success to Zumba (along with MFP).
  • PagalM
    PagalM Posts: 19
    I have been doing zumba pretty regularly the past 2 weeks using those dvds that come with the toning sticks. I started with the shorter workout (Rush - the 20 min one) and it is hard. I mean out of breath, can't make it through, can't talk hard. I kept doing it until I could get through it and am now doing the next longer one - Activate - the 40 min one. Activate is longer but not harder. I sweat the same way as the shorter one but don't get that out of breath sensation. Working my way to the 60 min dvd - Exhilerate and then will try the toning dvd (Ripped) a couple of times a week. In the past 2 weeksI have dropped 2 pounds and my jeans are fitter looser. I will try my first live class this weekend. It is super fun if you like dancing and does not really feel like a workout. Anyways.. friend me if you want and we can compare our Zumba experiences! Good luck with your weight loss! ;)
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    I LOOOOOOOVE ZUMBA! It is the most fun and heart thumping workout that I have done. The instructor also makes a huge difference in your experience. So if you go to one person and don't like it, then try another instructor. It is so worth it.
  • I have the dvds and starting doing it at home a few days ago. It's fun, but I don't have any rhythm, so that can be a little discouraging lol. I'm going to take it a day at a time and try to stick with it the best that I can :)
  • I've never done the DVDs - guess it depends on the size of your front room, I'd barely be able to move personally!

    My opinion on classes:
    At its worst - dull and doesn't raise your heartrate at all

    At its best - really good fun and gets you moving fast but not an intense workout.

    I second this - it depends on your fitness levels and what you're looking to get out of a workout, personally I go in for intensive workouts because i'm short on time, and the hour that I spent in Zumba always left me wondering what I could do that would be a more productive use of my hour for either training or calorie burn...but loads of people enjoy it and if you find your challenge with exercise is finding something that you enjoy, and you do enjoy Zumba, then great for you and keep at it.
  • I love the Zumba for Wii. Besides my elliptical, it has been the only exercise that seems to work best for me and one that I can never get bored with. After 45 minutes, I am sweating down and I can def feel it the next day in all muscles. I heard there was a never Wii version out and hope to try it out next month. I hear that the graphics among other things are improved.
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    Hi i love zumba , i go 3 times a week , 2 to fitness and 1 to toning ( using zumba sticks) its the best thing - i've tried zumba and zumba 2 on the wii, hated first one but really enjoyed second. I would defiantly give it a go xx
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I've been doing zumba every Tue evening this year and I love it! I actually burn more calories running, but need a change and zumba is different, fun, and filled with people all working in sync. I still run, but I do zumba on Tue and spin on Thu to mix it up. Gotta keep exercise interesting!!
  • thanks to each and every one of you for your input on zumba... all the info given was great, i'm definately goin to order myself the DVD set and see how i get on... fingers crossed..... and keep up the fab weight loss... your all doing incredibly well
  • i bought the dvds but just couldnt get into them so i gave up..but a friend told me i should try a class to begin with i was reluctant but i tried and was totally put at ease by an older lady who told me 'dont be shy hen just get in the middle and shake your booty' and i have been hooked since.
  • I go to Zumba classes twice a week. I love them! I look forward to them.

    I find if I have to go to something that I've paid money for, and I feel comfortable with the instructor, I will do the exercise. Compared to doing excercise at home. If I'm at home - I don't do it. I have tried DVD's, excerise equipment, etc At home I find that there is always something else that needs my time. My kids, husband or multiple other things.
    I know I need to set time aside for my exercise at home though, in order to achieve my goals.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on this?
  • chiera88
    chiera88 Posts: 155
    i love the classes i take at the gym. it's a fun cardio workout, i burn about 500 calories. we have regular zumba and zumba toning which uses the sticks. you can go without the sticks and just use 1 - 2.5 lb weights. the sticks just raddle like maracas to make it more fun...

    i also have the game for the wii but havent' tried it yet
  • Trishkit
    Trishkit Posts: 290 Member
    I think you really have to try all the options and figure out what works best for you, and what you'd stick with. I ADORE my Zumba classes. That said, it took a bit of experimenting and trying out different classes around my town before I found my preferred Zumba instructor. I've now found my go-to place and have been going there three days a week every since. When looking for a good Zumba class, I look for a high-intensity instructor (ours is a COMPLETE goofball and we all love him), a decent-sized class with good energy and active vocal chords, and mirrors. Some people hate the mirrors. I love the mirrors.

    You also will want to figure out where in the room works best for you, during a class. I started out in the back, then moved to the far end but in the front, and now I'm in the middle, right up front -- right behind the instructor. That's where I have to be to put all of my energy into my workout and keep my intensity high. If I'm anywhere but the front row, for some reason my intensity level drops and I seem to lose my mojo. So that's just something to keep aware of.

    So find what works best for you. If the Zumba "games" and DVDs you can do at home are what you're comfortable with and you feel like you can keep with them as a regular workout, then that's great!