zumba looks terrifying



  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    Zumba is amazing. I seriously cannot say enough good things about it. No one there is a professional dancer (except maybe the instructors) so in my class, there's a real sense of community. We're always cheering each other on, noticing weight loss, etc. Zumba is the ONLY form of exercise for me that I have continously gone to for over 2 years (and actually looked forward to it - not like the usual dreadful oblige of making it to the gym)!

    It gave me a whole new outlook on fitness and the most amazing boost of confidence. I am constantly urging my family and friends to go - it really is life changing!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. I fall off a treadmill if I try to run on it. I've even fallen off a couple of times walking on it. I have trouble keeping my balance when doing lunges! My daughters have begged me never to dance in public, especially if they or anyone they know is around. But I've been doing Zumba for over a year and LOVE it. I'm sure I don't do the moves perfect but I sure have fun. And it burns a lot of calories.
  • 1SassyCox
    Zumab isn't as scary as it looks - promise!! I started on the 10th and haven't missed a session yet!! It's so fun and no one is paying attention to you because they are too busy making sure they don't look foolish!! I say do it at least once.

    And PS - you can burn anywhere between 400-1000 calories in a single session so I say DO IT! :happy:
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    Zumba is freaking amazing! Although I will admit that it's a lot more fun to do with a friend who's just as "skilled" in the dance department as you are so y'all can have a good time laughing at yourselves and how silly you look. My friend likes to refer to her style as "ghetto white girl dancing" and that she "flails around like a monkey" but it's all in good fun and in the name of a good workout. And even if you can't do all of the steps, as long as you go and you keep moving, you will burn calories.
  • Menene
    Menene Posts: 121 Member
    I love zumba, I have two left feet. I have never tried group exercise before because i thought everyone would be looking at me. It does take a little getting use to but just keep moving. It is just good fun and believe me no one is watching you because everyone is just trying to get the steps themselves and those who can do it are just admiring you for even trying it. So go and just keep moving you will have a lot of fun.
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    Love Zumba!!!! Was so worried at first, but it is ADDICTING!!!! I do it 4-5 times a week. Sometimes 2 classes in 1 night! I get better and better each time after learning the instructor's routines. I am now thinking of being an instructor!
  • fatnomo100
    DO IT!! SOooooo much fun!! And you'll love the music! It's a party!!! You'll burn great calories!!!.....And even if you're not perfect at it...you'll sweat just for trying!!! Have Fun!!!
  • sweetie1975
    sweetie1975 Posts: 154 Member
    I took my first zumba class lat night and I have to say that I too am hooked like a lot of other people on here. It is so much FUN! I never thought I could think of any type of exercise as fun but zumba defintely is. I always thought of exercise as a chore which is why I don't do a lot of it, however, zumba may be what I was waiting for all my life...LOL.