Favourite fruit

whats yours. Mine has to be banana yummy xx


  • jesusislove1526
    jesusislove1526 Posts: 442 Member
    Mine is the orange.
  • Auspiciousgirl
    I've been eating about 5 "Christmas oranges" (clementines) per day since they showed up in the grocery store!!! I wish I could get them year-round *sigh*
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    Jazz apples and D'Anjou pears!
  • reallymyBEST
    reallymyBEST Posts: 242 Member
    Grapefruit! Hopelessly addicted and I've been out for 2 days and having withdrawal. Going to the store today for sure!!!
  • judyccarter
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Mine would have to be a berry, cant decide if a strawberry or a black berry is my fav.

    I also have discovered the Honey Crisp apple in the last 6 mos and now I am borderline addicted to them. They are by far, the best apple in the world to me.

    We eat an insane amount of fruit a week in this house. I typically will make bowl of fruit with some low cal/fat yogurt and a sprinkle of granola for dessert 3 to 4 nights a week and we have a portion of fruit with every meal.
  • jrsey86
    jrsey86 Posts: 186 Member
    Apples! Gala, specifically
  • twinoakbob
    twinoakbob Posts: 177 Member
    Prior to starting cholesterol medication it would have been grapefruit hands down. I can't have that anymore. So the second best would be blueberries. Although I guess my favorite fruit is actually still grapefruit, just can't eat it any more.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    it varies because i eat a variety.. i love berries .. apples , sometimes an orange ..love bananas too!
  • HardHunk
    Banana for me :)
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    Apples! Gala, specifically

    Me too! Love the Gala apples. Bananas are also on my list of favourites.
  • ChanyRae
    ChanyRae Posts: 112
    Kiwi! Has more vitamin C than an orange!

    I also love Strawberries, mango and pineapples!
  • SuddenlyPickles
    Blueberries... I can eat pounds at a time. :love:
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Peaches and Nectarines.
  • RDalton84
    RDalton84 Posts: 207
    I am eating my very first honey crisp apple right now!! I went to the store last night and they were out of Gala apples so I thought I would try to honey crisp and OMG they are AMAZING!!!
    Mine would have to be a berry, cant decide if a strawberry or a black berry is my fav.

    I also have discovered the Honey Crisp apple in the last 6 mos and now I am borderline addicted to them. They are by far, the best apple in the world to me.

    We eat an insane amount of fruit a week in this house. I typically will make bowl of fruit with some low cal/fat yogurt and a sprinkle of granola for dessert 3 to 4 nights a week and we have a portion of fruit with every meal.
  • PrissyJayne
    Probably pineapple. Funny because I HATED pineapple growing up. Nothing like a fresh, sweet pineapple!

    I love grapefruit, but am currently on Zocor for cholesterol, so I guess I'm not supposed to have it. Yikes!

    Love honeycrisp apples, green grapes, and bananas as well.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    When eaten seasonally, it's the fruit just becoming ripe......I like all fruit equally. :bigsmile:
  • cigarzzz
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Apples! Gala, specifically

    Me too! Love the Gala apples. Bananas are also on my list of favourites.

    Seriously, try the honey crisp! As the poster that was not me stated, they are amazing. I think the perfect combo of crisp and sweet. I do not like soft apples or when they get too cold or old and get sorta mushy.
  • Sophie983
    Sophie983 Posts: 119 Member
    Lately I'm obsessed with pomegranates. I also LOVE blueberries, strawberries, blackberries... any kind of berries actually :)