drinking water



  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Here comes my obligatory copy paste....
    Holy Smokes!

    Another heretic!

  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    Well, for those who think the 8 oz of glass is a myth, I'm not doing it because it's taken as the truth. There are times when I don't feel as good, and after drinking water, it helps. My boyfriend was overseas in Iraq in 2003, and they drilled that into their heads - water, water, water. Everytime I complained about not feeling good, being dizzy, having a headache (years ago), he would say, "Drink water," and I'd just roll my eyes at him because that was ALWAYS his solution. It does help in most instances, so that's why I try to drink at least 6 cups a day, knowing water does come from other sources. And if my pee is darker, I will try to drink more as well.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that pees so much! My boyfriend often says, "You have the smallest bladder in the world," and as long as there's a bathroom close by, I don't mind. I just hate when commuting more than 30 minutes, and then the urge strikes. I'm getting to where I try to time out the water intake so I don't have to go when I can't go.