They said WHAT????!!!!!



  • ColCul
    ColCul Posts: 53
    I was picking my children up at school and another mom screamed across the playground "Oh My God! you are pregnant". When I told her no, she wouldn't believe me and insisted I was, in front of my children, their playmates, and other parents. She finally left me alone when I started to cry, in front of my children, their playmates and other parents.

    I have lost 80 lbs since then. It is hard to believe that such an insensitive person would have influenced me so much. She doesn't chat with me much anymore.
  • Spinelli2288
    Spinelli2288 Posts: 188 Member
    I was picking my children up at school and another mom screamed across the playground "Oh My God! you are pregnant". When I told her no, she wouldn't believe me and insisted I was, in front of my children, their playmates, and other parents. She finally left me alone when I started to cry, in front of my children, their playmates and other parents.

    I have lost 80 lbs since then. It is hard to believe that such an insensitive person would have influenced me so much. She doesn't chat with me much anymore.

    That is horrible! At the same time it's awesome that she doesn't chat with you anymore, your confidence probably makes her insecure as hell! You go girl!
  • Heidi64
    Heidi64 Posts: 211 Member
    I'm sorry to say that nothing motivated my big butt, couch potato self to lose weight. I stumbled on MFP purely by chance. I never even expected to stay with it let alone be successful. I will be on MFP for one year on February 15th. While I still have some weight to lose, I am soo very happy with how far I've come. My motivation now is to not ever be so heavy that I can't walk with that spring in my step, to be able do that little hop, skip, jump gracefully. I have so much energy now and zest for living, why would I ever want to go back to being a slouch?! I hope that keeps me motivated for the rest of my life!
  • kyoules
    kyoules Posts: 37 Member
    I'm happy to say that it doesn't bother me anymore. Unfortunately my mother won't be happy unless I weigh 100 pounds, but that's okay. When I get down to 135-140, I'm going to love every moment of it. I'm doing it for ME and no one else.
    Wow, you have SUCH a positive attitude for having such a terrible sounding mother! Seriously, she has issues if she tried to make an 8-9-13 year old feel self conscious about her body.

    I was super embarrassed and hated myself when the bank teller asked me once if I was expecting and I most definitely was not. :(

    Just today a friend posted on facebook about an exchange with her 4 or 5 year old son:
    Mason was calling himself a Chicken Nugget this morning.. and I said well then I guess I'm a french fry.. He looks at me and says, "You can't be a French Fry, but maybe a whole potato.." Keep 'em coming Mason, you're my inspiration to lose weight, even though you don't know it...
  • Italianyc84
    Italianyc84 Posts: 192 Member
    this wasn't to me, but to my partner--a friend told her that her "boob to belly ratio is way off"! My partner had a laugh about prompted her to lose 50 pounds!!
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    You guys are awesome. Some of these are just so sad that another human would actually say them to someone!
  • rebawagner
    rebawagner Posts: 199 Member
    WOW! I love all the "I'll prove you wrong" stories on here!!!
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    HOLY CRAP, Rebawagner -- that guy would be kicking his own *kitten* for turning YOU down if he caught a glimpse of you now!

    I had a similar experience. I'm long over it, but it's funny how these things stick in your head. I was 13, he was 14, and we were friends. He was telling me he had a crush on me without saying my name.

    He said, "Most people think she's a dog, but I don't."

    Such a charmer. We went on one date, he tried to feel me up, and that was it. Turns out, he could overlook my appearance because I had a big rack. lol He's still nice looking, but the shock on his face when I bumped into him a few years ago said he was surprised how unlike a dog I really am! lol
  • beckywotring
    This was a really uplifting post!!It gave me a laugh, but also made me feel a bit better knowing I'm not the only one having these 'moments'. Everyone keep on going- I'm only a month in but I'm down 11 lbs. and looking forward to 30 more!
  • dimplez711
    I've heard those types of comments most of my life, and they do usually get to me. However I think with time, and a loving husband, I've started to ignore them. Except on our recent vacation...

    We were on the island of Boracay (Philippines) walking around the tourist area where they had a bunch of souvenir shops. Being Filipino myself, I already knew the culture/mentality (women are supposed to be petite), and I could already sense that the shopkeepers were ignoring my husband and I when they saw us, because we are fairly big people (he's 6'4, in the 300s, I'm 5'2 around 230). Finally, while sifting through t-shirts in one shop, the salesperson said to me "Are you looking for souvenir shirts for other people? Because nothing we have would fit you." I tried to keep it from ruining our trip by obsessing over it, so I didn't say anything to my husband, but it's pretty much been eating away at me since then.

    When that fun little memory plays in my head now, it pushes me to work harder for our trip next year. ;)
    FORIANN Posts: 273 Member
    Back when I was in high school this girl asked me if I was interested in dating her friend...

    Actually, it's kinda' odd, but I ran across the MFP app in Wired Magazine and they'd given it a 10 out of 10.....they don't do that very often. I was intrigued and given that I am on a secluded military base....there's not much to do outside of going to the gym. It's what keeps me sane.
  • beckipercy
    beckipercy Posts: 160 Member
    When my ex of almost three years told me it was over, because it "just wasn't working" he decided to throw in "are you really ever going to do anything about your weight?" never told anyone that before, but it was the most heartbreking thing in the world. thankfully it only took me a couple of weeks to get over him, and my new boyfriend is the best thing to ever happen to me and would love me whether i weighed 100lb or 400lb :)
  • jobeth527
    I have to share this cuz I still am laughing about it. Very recently (a couple of weeks ago) my 5 year old son was in the room with me while I was doing the ab part of Ripped in 30 and Jillian Michaels was saying something like "look at her rock hard abs" about the other female on the DVD. Well my son was very intently watching me and listening to her and told me.... Mommy, her tummy is rock hard and yours looks like peanut butter!

    I guess that's better than jelly... It's pushed me to work harder on my 200 sit-up challenge!

    Love that little guy ~ so innocently honest! <3
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    :laugh: Ok I love my ex-husbands family but they make laugh. Last weekend I went to drop the kids of to my exMIL and my exBIL and his wife(whose am major B!^(# BTW ) were there they hadnt seen my since I started losing weight and my BIL was like WOW we didnt know that body was under there you look amazing. LOL His wife was like yeah you were to young to be that fat. But the look on her face when I said I was going to lose another 26 pounds was hilarious shes like dont over do it you dont want to be too skinny . I told her oh I'm not going to get skinny I'm getting fit :flowerforyou:
  • hsmithway
    hsmithway Posts: 191
    I HATE it when people see someone they haven't seen in years, and all they can say afterwards is "Man s/he really got fat." As if that just erases everything else that person has done in the meantime.
  • cupcakemama
    My ex, the father of my 3 children cheated on me over and over again, and in the end blamed that I was fat. Even though I'm engaged and happy now, my fiance met me when I was 60lbs heavier and has loved me just as much then as he does now, it still hurts. I loved his face when he returned from afghanastan to pick up the kids and I was 40lbs lighter then he had last seen me. And when he comes on feb 1st I'll *hopefully* be 120lbs, I CAN'T WAIT to see his face then!

    Also I was sooooo sick of "oh she's got her mothers hips" my mom was tiny but yes had big hips. oh and once my grandmother said I had "thunder thighs"

    Call me spiteful, but When all is said and done and I complete my 30DS and am 119-120lbs and tone standing there knowing I've had 3 kids in the past 5 years I'm going to take mental pictures of EVERYONES face!!! muahahaha
  • rebawagner
    rebawagner Posts: 199 Member
    HOLY CRAP, Rebawagner -- that guy would be kicking his own *kitten* for turning YOU down if he caught a glimpse of you now!

    AWWWW! THANK YOU!!!! That made my day!!!!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    my 8 year old lad just kept calling me fatty..thats all it took for me to want to lose a few pounds.

    I would have locked him in the closet for a week!:laugh:
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    My 10 year old punched a kid because the kid told him "Damn your mom is fat" I wasn't going to have my kids bullied because of me.
  • jaitken_22
    jaitken_22 Posts: 212 Member
    At the end of 2010 I was talking to my boss and she challenged me to lose 1 stone (14lbs) by my birthday in April 2011. I didn't know whether she was serious or not. But then I heard about MFP and checked it out, managed to lose more than 14lbs for my birthday and just over a year later I'm 30lbs lighter!