Stuck in Lodi...

The winter funk has me down. That stupid scale isn't moving. I've still got the decent diet goin on, but I'm having more and more cheater days of late. I've lost the drive, and I fear that getting it back will be harder than getting it in the first place. Oh Lord, stuck in Lodi again.

First off, it's cold as b@%%s outside... and who wants a workout plan that involves 4 layers plus a coat and snowboots and still busting your @ss on the ice slick at the end of everyone's driveway... I suppose people with gym memberships don't have these things to worry about, but I'm not one of that lucky number. My bed keeps me in the morning, when at least I could add in a little snowblindness and traffic with that mix, and at night it's windy (like.. who'd have thought Chicago would be windy ffs) and that makes whatever little melt the sun gave us that day into an awesome ice rink of a street that you're lucky to be able to drive on without sliding, let alone get a power walk in. I know, I know.. excuses right? I'm just sayin though, when your exercise plan involves outdoors, January in Chicago isn't the best month for your personal fitness.

The diet is still pretty easy to maintain. I'm the simple kind of guy who likes to eat the same thing over and over and over and over... So I don't mind eating the same ol' oatmeal, drinking the same ol' protein shake. Ready for more excuses? Girlfriend, family parties, weekend events, blah blah blah. I'm sure youall know what I'm talkin about... Your cousin says "Hey, let's go shoot some pool" you wind up eating a dozen wings @ Buffalo Wild Wings, drinking a couple drinks @ the bar, and BAM, 2200 calories later, you just go home and goto bed. I see a small gain after those type of 'cheater days', which 2-3 days of good diet after that will take that back off with little effort, but I'm still hitting a wall as far as my lowest weight goes. Does it count as 'lost a pound' if you gained 2 pounds lasnight @ Taco Bell? I think not... and with my workout plan being at a standstill, I'm really feeling every bit of that pound as a reminder of impending failure.

I spent a few days off MFP after a particularly big streak of cheater days... an entire 3day weekend of eating out, not counting, a 5lb gain. I think I was more ashamed of myself and my behavior than anything, which tells me there is still hope. I don't feel like giving up, I'm just put off by my lack of progress, which doesn't make logical sense because of course I'm not gonna have progress just sitting here while my exercise plan is stuck in Lodi because of the snow... Duh! But it still doesn't feel good, I still weigh every couple days, and the scale still doesn't move, and I still get that little /sigh 'better luck next time' 'wah wahhhhh' feeling like I just played the Grand Prize Game and I'm only goin home with some Archway cookies (Bozo for the win!!). Maybe I'm crazy, but I always think I'm doin better when I can feel good about it... and right now I'm not feelin good about it, just sayin.

I am looking forward to big numbers and better progress come better weather, I guess for now I'll just have to get out there when I can, and try to bear through the crappy months in Lodi, knowing that better things are on the horizon in months to come. I have a good support system, and with them having my back, and my own "iron will" (lol yeah right), I know I'll be back on track.

Thanks for hearing my rant,
