Depression and weight loss



  • LadyFaile
    I have Major/Chronic Depression and have probably been suffering from it since childhood, even though it was only diagnosed a few years ago. Thankfully I have a wonderful support group of friends (from Work, Church and Hobby Focused Groups), a great Counselor and Doctor who keep me on track with medication and counseling, and a very supportive Work Place that encourages me to ensure I take care of myself properly.

    If you suffer from more than a short term case of the occasional blues (mild depression), then I'd definitely recommend seeing a doctor/counselor/etc to ensure that you get proper treatment to help you handle it. It's a medical condition just like diabetes or cancer, and should be treated.

    From there reach out to your friends for help and support. Let them drag you out of the house and keep you busy so you can't focus so much on the depression and are less likely to resort to comfort food. It's hard, but you reached out to us so I know you can do it!
  • garn1232
    Yes, I do. I use CBT to help change my negative thoughts. I can't say that exercise has helped me.