Hey there MFP, Great day to you all. I am hoping everyone is having a wonderful day. I truly am! If your not, then take back your joy that someone or something stole!! Some people may look at me and say why is she so dang happy. Well, I do have my moments but I don't need to share THAT with the world. The world is already in chaos, people NEED to see some smiles and hear some joy. And though sometimes folks hate on THAT. I keep is shining and keep it moving. Eventually they WILL say, " I want some of what she's on". And baby trust me YOU CAN HAVE IT! If it will bring a smile on your face and put a pep in your step, there TAKE IT! I have to shout out my hubby. blkmale67 for those that don't know. He just recently had foot surgery a week ago and as he always says, "HE IS DOING THE DAMN THING!" Still eating right and working like a beast! I am so proud of him and I have to thank my MFP peeps and his peeps as well for all your care, love, concern and support. This website is absolutely awesome tell your friends and family about it. Whether they are overwieght, underweight or just need some dang encouragement. Love you all and I don't have to see you or know you to love you. I feel your love and spirit through your words. So I say to all of my peeps around the country and world, Stay on Fire for Fitness, keep wanting Wealth for your Health and keep the love, strength and support flowing. Later my family! Long Life, Strong Life. That's what's on my DREAM BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!