Any input on buying an Elliptical.. is GREATLY app...

ok.. I guess I am going start looking for an elliptical... but have found them from $400 to $1500... help..... Idk what to look for or at... If u own one or use one pls give info please on what u love &/or hate about it... Thanks... I have looked @ the Walmart Gold Gym cause they are only $400.00 & I have little $$$ right now... It has a weight limit of 250lbs.. which I proudly am under now... NE way help pls....


    DEEDLYNN Posts: 235 Member
    I bought a ProForm from HSN back in November. I LOVE IT!!! It was the more expensive model, but I got it on FlexPay. It has the Ifit feature and the poles for the arm movement too.