Any tips for a vacation?

I am headed to my first trip since I have been aggressively counting calories. At home, I have my go to places to eat out with lots of interesting and healthy choices so I never feel deprived, and I know the exact ingredients. The weekend, I am headed to Santa Fe. So do you have any tips? I will need to survive 4 days of only restaurant and/or airport food.

The good news:
* we'll be doing lots of walking

The bad news:
* restaurant food is generally highly caloric
* I can't use the "I'll take the leftovers home excuse, because we won't eat them
* I am guessing there are loads of interesting and highly caloric foods in Santa Fe cuisine

I'd love your tips for surviving eating out and dieting! Besides only eating salads. ;) How do you guys do it?


  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    -Drink lots of water
    -Enjoy the opportunities to walk a lot, and try to get in a few workouts at the hotel gym, if available
    -Allow yourself to try some treats, but share them with your family/friends
    -Have fun!
  • You are on vacation. Have some fun! If you eat a big meal, eat a smaller meal for the next one. If you are really worried about the calories I would just control the portions of what you are eating.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Try to do maintenance calories for the trip, and log your walking. If you're walking for several hours a day, you'll burn a ton of calories! You can do it!
  • sarscab
    sarscab Posts: 13
    Just because you're eating out doesn't mean you can't choose fruits, veggies and lean proteins versus the highest calorie options on the menu! :)
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    When we travel I try to bring lots of snacks. I carry water, nuts, fruit, clif bars, etc with me and keep things for breakfast in the hotel. We generally just snack throughout the day and then eat one nice meal per day at a restaurant. It saves a lot of money and allows you to enjoy local restaurants without blowing 1,000 calories on a meal 3x per day.
  • soozeeg
    soozeeg Posts: 14 Member
    ask for lunch portions everywhere OR split with your partner/family etc.
    only drink water
    avoid cream sauces, and anything with tortillas as the main ingredient
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I am headed to my first trip since I have been aggressively counting calories. At home, I have my go to places to eat out with lots of interesting and healthy choices so I never feel deprived, and I know the exact ingredients. The weekend, I am headed to Santa Fe. So do you have any tips? I will need to survive 4 days of only restaurant and/or airport food.

    The good news:
    * we'll be doing lots of walking

    The bad news:
    * restaurant food is generally highly caloric
    * I can't use the "I'll take the leftovers home excuse, because we won't eat them
    * I am guessing there are loads of interesting and highly caloric foods in Santa Fe cuisine

    I'd love your tips for surviving eating out and dieting! Besides only eating salads. ;) How do you guys do it?
    When I went on a cruise, I ate like a government mule.
    And went walking thereafter up and down the decks - 30 flights of stairs. It took 50 minutes each time.

    After this 7 day food binge with no restrictions, I had gained only 5 lbs.
  • amazon75
    amazon75 Posts: 165
    most hotels have small fridges and if not, I recently found out that if you tell them you have dietary restrictions, they're required to provide one free of charge. so buy a few groceries and eat breakfast in. pack healthy snacks. be the person that special orders your meal. you have the right to ask how something is prepared and ask that it be modified.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I pack a lot of healthy dry snacks that I can carry on a plane with me (granola bars, nuts, popcorn, etc). I snack on those most of the time when I can and most hotels offer fruit or something in the front areas or in your room. Just try to make healthy decisions when you can and watch your portioning. Often I find ordering healthy side dishes at a resturant is more than enough for a meal.
  • brendabuckeye
    brendabuckeye Posts: 53 Member
    Order water and split the meal. If you don't want to split the meal, it isn't so bad to leave some food on your plate, either (my mother is yelling for me to clean my plate right now, I'm sure). Most places do have healthy options. See if you can find a couple of the restaurants you want to try there and check out the menus. That might help you plan your calories a little better. You can treat yourself if you are doing a lot of walking, too. Have fun!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    When I went on a cruise, I ate like a government mule.
    And went walking thereafter up and down the decks - 30 flights of stairs. It took 50 minutes each time.

    After this 7 day food binge with no restrictions, I had gained only 5 lbs.

    That's exactly what I did. My goal was to not gain more than 5 lbs. I gained 3. I did not restrict anything. If I wanted it, I ate it. I walked a lot in the ports, and I walked up and down the stairs instead of the elevators. I even hit the gym a couple of times. And the running track.
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    It is doable!! I was on vacation for a week before Christmas. Grant it we were at my sis in laws house but they eat out ALOT!!! But I tried my hardest and me and my hubby walked everyday. When we picked a restaurant to go to I researched it nonlinear, tried to plan my meal before we went and stuck to it. I had only been using MFP for a month before I went so I wax still getting used to everything. When I came home I had lost 1lb. I was so excited, mostly because I didn't stress about it, and I had stuff j really liked. (Also take into account I dont like vegetables). I had chicken parm twice, buffola wings (grant it I only had two, but enjoyed them), burger's, etc.

    I'm just trying to show you it can be done, and you still can enjoy your vacation. Bring or buy some low Cal quick food to keep in the room for an easy breakfast before you head out. Pack snacks you like to carry with you to have on hand throughout the day.

    And don't worry about not being able to take leftovers home with you, eat sensible portions and leave what your not gonna eat. To me my health is more important than the money I have spent on food!!

    HAVE FUN!!!!!
  • lindawayne11
    lindawayne11 Posts: 62 Member
    I always find that when I'm on vacation, I don't generally gain weight and I don't count calories. I'm fairly certain this is because of all the walking and just all the moving around in general. When your on vacation, you don't want to sit in front of the TV all day long, there's too much to explore! I say just make the best food choices available at the (salmon, steamed veggies, vegetarian or turkey sandwiches etc...), pack some a bottle of water and healthy snacks with you at all times, walk and site-see as much as you can and I'll bet you will end up with pretty good results.
    Enjoy :)
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Came back from an 11 day cruise on Christmas day. I took the entire vacation off, ate every-freaking-thing in sight, I was conscious on days that we weren't as active, not to eat as much. We did lots of walking and walked the ship a lot, never did go to the Gym and only gained 2 lbs. I went right back to it as soon as I returned and have lost the 2 lbs and am back on track. Don't stress it and enjoy your time.
  • I completely understand! I am going to KEY WEST next week. Eating doesn't worry me...but the yummy drinks will be my downfall!. I plan to do a lot of walking to help offset that.
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    My husband and I go out to eat sometimes and I pretty much wing it, depending on where he wants to go. If there is rice included in what I want to order, I ask them to substitute brocoli for the rice. If they won't, I just ask them to not bring the rice. Also, I have heard that you should put half in a "to go" box as soon as you get the meal. Since you are not taking them home, still put them in a box and ask the server to take it away.
    There is no harm in enjoying a little treat every once in a while. The important thing is not to panic and have some fun.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I completely understand! I am going to KEY WEST next week. Eating doesn't worry me...but the yummy drinks will be my downfall!. I plan to do a lot of walking to help offset that.

    LOL! it sounds like we are similar. I don't drink much, but when the drinks are interesting I have to have one! :P
  • dolfn1972
    dolfn1972 Posts: 84 Member
    If you are going to and staying in a specific area...research it. Find local resteraunts and look up their menus...try to pre calculate.

    Have healthy snacks

    Lots of water

    Walking walking walking

    If eating out and the portions are large..ask if you can just get half an order. Try to share an order...or put 1/2 in a to go box and get it out of site.

    Just enjoy yourself. Even though you are dieting now you need to remember that the real world and the fatty tasty foods are out there. This is a vacation from every day life....treat it like one. When you get back...even if there are a few extra pounds...get back on track and back to where you want to be. Good luck and have fun
  • You are on vacation. Have some fun! If you eat a big meal, eat a smaller meal for the next one. If you are really worried about the calories I would just control the portions of what you are eating.

  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Thanks everyone for the good tips!

    I travel a fair amount for work, so even though this trip is fun, I have other trips and have so much trouble dealing when eating outside my normal schedule.