Lifting weights and not burning calories?

I'm relatively new to MFP, and so far, really impressed with the App and the site. Lost 3 pounds in about a week.

One question: when I enter strength training exercise I've done, I get no calories burned. None. That can't be right, can it? Last week I did 40+ minutes of nautilus-style weights, 18+ sets... My heart rate wasn't up, but I was definitely working hard and using a lot of energy.

Anyone know how to estimate or track this? Or am I wrong to think that weights/strength training is burning calories... even if it's not as quickly as with other cardio-style exercises?


  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    You use the strength training section to record weights, sets, reps etc so you have something to compare and improve.
    If you want to add the calories burned from strength training, you have to add it to the cardio section. There is a strength training exercise that will post your calories.
  • continue29
    strength training does burn calories.. even though on here it awards none for it.

    I do a body pump class which is strength training, very little cardio. I wear a HRM & though my heart rate doesnt go anywhere near as high as say a zumba class... it tells me i burn between 350-400 cals for the hour.