Losing weight before gaining... pre-pregnancy

pt49120 Posts: 3 Member
edited November 6 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All,

I've made the commitment to lose the final 25-30 pounds that's been hanging around for awhile before going through IVF this fall 2012. I'm 31, 6' tall and 190 pounds. I felt my best when I weighed about 160 so that's my goal weight. I figured since I plan on doing IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), I should try to be in my best shape I can be in since there's a 40% chance of twins if I do get pregnant (only 65% chance that I will get pregnant and after 4 years of dealing with unexplained infertility, I'm ready to move forward).

Putting this is writing will hopefully cement my intentions into actions. Previously I've lost weight using Nutrisystem (about 30 pounds before getting married in 2005) and portion control (following the French Women Don't Get Fat book's suggestions). I always end up at about 180 pounds and stop trying because I feel okay with 180. This time though with the idea that I may end up carrying twins, I know I need to get down to 160 so that dealing with a possible pregnancy weight gain of 50 pounds won't be too traumatic.

Wishing us all good luck losing the weight!
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