I REALLY want a binge!

I have been on and off here as I ebb and flow with my weight.
I am currently 71kgs and my initial target is 68kgs, then to steady at 66kgs and I'd be happy. Ultimately, I'd love to get down to 62kgs, but lets be realistic! I'm 5foot4 and carry a lot of muscle. I'm also fit and healthy (run 35kms a week, do a zumba class and coach gymnastics (which requires a lot of lifting of kids)).

I eat a well balanced diet. I may have just possibly eaten far too much chocolate, biscuits, cake and alcohol!

So, after 20 days of being quite controlled, allowing for some 'treats' and general life, I have lost 2kgs and I feel much better already.

However, in the past few days, I have found myself craving to eat a BIG share bag of M&M's or Minstrels or a whole BLOCK of chocolate as I used to. Or to eat toast lathered with butter and vegemite etc

Now, I don't understand it. I have reawakened my love of exercise (which can fluctuate) and I haven't been denying myself hugely, just exercising some control.

Why is my body wanting to undo all of the hard work I have been doing in the past almost 3 weeks?


  • jlr_12
    jlr_12 Posts: 170 Member
    Is it almost that time of month? My first few weeks were easy and great, then the week of my period I wanted to eat everything under the sun. Every once in a while I feel the same way though, even when it's not that time of the month. When you say binge do you mean that you want to eat a ton of calories, or do you just want to indulge in one food that you've been cutting back on? If you wanted JUST toast and butter..that's not a big deal. Eat it...exercise a little extra to earn the calories. If by binge you mean that you want to have everything you're craving all in one sitting, eating thousands of calories...I'd steer clear of that.
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Two thoughts. Could be just the vagaries of the body. Especially the female body. The fix...have a little bit of chocolate, and wait it out. It will go away.

    Thought two...because your body has figured out what you're doing and has no interest in you losing weight. None whatsoever. And it wants you to gain it all back, pronto. So its telling you to eat a bunch of stuff to gain it back. Our bodies are crafty, crafty devils. I've lost a lot of weight over the years..about 2/5 of myself, and I typically found that right around week 3, like clockwork, my body would start rebelling. So sometimes, I would just, okay body, you win. I will stop trying to lose. And I will eat and exercise for maintenance. Just to make sure I'm clear: NOT binging, NOT going back to old habits, but just pretending that whatever weight you are at, is the weight you'd like to maintain...with exercise and good nutrition. Give your body the "all clear" signal that you've given up the silly idea of losing weight. Then, after a couple of weeks, begin again.

    Those are two ideas from my own arsenal.

    Good luck!
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    I completely understand what you mean. I have not been craving the sweets as much as I do the salty things, mostly potato type foods. It is a daily struggle for me with this. I have really only started my routine so it may take a couple more weeks to get over this, but I know that in the end, if I can make a deal with myself.... it will be worth it!