Dropping inches and clothing sizes, but not weight???



  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    Weighing more than you'd think you'd weigh in your goal size is FANTASTIC!!!

    You're the same size, but you have more muscle than you anticipated having, so your body is always burning more calories, so you have a better metabolism, so you can eat more food than someone who's the same size but weighs a little less! It's full of all kinds of win!!!

    Last time I lost weight, I focused on the scale, starved myself down to 130# and wore a size 8. This time, I focused on fitness, never felt like I was starving, and at 130# I wear a size 2 or 4. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/449570-mfp-mythbusters-losing-weight-fast-exercise-calories-girl

    I already know all this! I know that having muscle is a goof thing, as is fitting into my goal pants; I'm just saying that I'd like to have a nice smaller number to go with it. All I ever asked was if someone happened to have an idea of what I'm doing wrong.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Weighing more than you'd think you'd weigh in your goal size is FANTASTIC!!!

    You're the same size, but you have more muscle than you anticipated having, so your body is always burning more calories, so you have a better metabolism, so you can eat more food than someone who's the same size but weighs a little less! It's full of all kinds of win!!!

    Last time I lost weight, I focused on the scale, starved myself down to 130# and wore a size 8. This time, I focused on fitness, never felt like I was starving, and at 130# I wear a size 2 or 4. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/449570-mfp-mythbusters-losing-weight-fast-exercise-calories-girl

    I already know all this! I know that having muscle is a goof thing, as is fitting into my goal pants; I'm just saying that I'd like to have a nice smaller number to go with it. All I ever asked was if someone happened to have an idea of what I'm doing wrong.

    Well,. if you notice my response, I gained 4 lbs and lost 2 sizes. But if the number on the scale is what is so important to you, then that is your prerogative. But please, try to understand what people are saying to you. You are actually not doing anything wrong, you seem to be doing it the right way.
  • galaxyhearts
    galaxyhearts Posts: 258 Member
    Weighing more than you'd think you'd weigh in your goal size is FANTASTIC!!!

    You're the same size, but you have more muscle than you anticipated having, so your body is always burning more calories, so you have a better metabolism, so you can eat more food than someone who's the same size but weighs a little less! It's full of all kinds of win!!!

    Last time I lost weight, I focused on the scale, starved myself down to 130# and wore a size 8. This time, I focused on fitness, never felt like I was starving, and at 130# I wear a size 2 or 4. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/449570-mfp-mythbusters-losing-weight-fast-exercise-calories-girl

    I already know all this! I know that having muscle is a goof thing, as is fitting into my goal pants; I'm just saying that I'd like to have a nice smaller number to go with it. All I ever asked was if someone happened to have an idea of what I'm doing wrong.

    ... You're not doing anything wrong. I think everyone here is just confused about why a number matters so much to you. If you like how you look then who cares about the number?? Your logic in this is just not making sense to anyone.

    As far as your comment to take a lighter weight over a smaller size any day is really disturbing. If you're gaining lean muscle mass you're not going to look like a body builder. I can guarantee you that.

    If you want to lose weight and lose muscle then maybe you should stop exercising... but I don't think that's healthy and I wouldn't recommend it.

    It's possible that maybe you have unrealistic goals for your weight. I would consider reevaluating that if I were you.
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  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    Remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so even if it isn't showing on the scale, you are losing. Your muscle mass is building up, which is awesome! Keep it up! And as for not losing actual weight--I'd rather lose the inches!
  • twynzmom
    twynzmom Posts: 172
    dont give up...you will see the weight drop off
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Weighing more than you'd think you'd weigh in your goal size is FANTASTIC!!!

    You're the same size, but you have more muscle than you anticipated having, so your body is always burning more calories, so you have a better metabolism, so you can eat more food than someone who's the same size but weighs a little less! It's full of all kinds of win!!!

    I already know all this! I know that having muscle is a goof thing, as is fitting into my goal pants; I'm just saying that I'd like to have a nice smaller number to go with it. All I ever asked was if someone happened to have an idea of what I'm doing wrong.

    ... You're not doing anything wrong. I think everyone here is just confused about why a number matters so much to you. If you like how you look then who cares about the number?? Your logic in this is just not making sense to anyone.

    It makes sense to me - I feel exactly the same way! I have lost inches and my clothes are fitting better (down almost 2 sizes), but I don't like the image in the mirror or the number on the scale (with daily fluctuations has budged a whole pound since June).
  • TheSarahHill
    Weighing more than you'd think you'd weigh in your goal size is FANTASTIC!!!

    You're the same size, but you have more muscle than you anticipated having, so your body is always burning more calories, so you have a better metabolism, so you can eat more food than someone who's the same size but weighs a little less! It's full of all kinds of win!!!

    Last time I lost weight, I focused on the scale, starved myself down to 130# and wore a size 8. This time, I focused on fitness, never felt like I was starving, and at 130# I wear a size 2 or 4. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/449570-mfp-mythbusters-losing-weight-fast-exercise-calories-girl

    I already know all this! I know that having muscle is a goof thing, as is fitting into my goal pants; I'm just saying that I'd like to have a nice smaller number to go with it. All I ever asked was if someone happened to have an idea of what I'm doing wrong.

    ... You're not doing anything wrong. I think everyone here is just confused about why a number matters so much to you. If you like how you look then who cares about the number?? Your logic in this is just not making sense to anyone.

    As far as your comment to take a lighter weight over a smaller size any day is really disturbing. If you're gaining lean muscle mass you're not going to look like a body builder. I can guarantee you that.

    If you want to lose weight and lose muscle then maybe you should stop exercising... but I don't think that's healthy and I wouldn't recommend it.

    It's possible that maybe you have unrealistic goals for your weight. I would consider reevaluating that if I were you.

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    May I ask how tall are you, and how did you determine your goal weight?
  • crudd123
    crudd123 Posts: 244 Member
    The same thing has happened to me! I have lost about 25 pounds and have been stalled for about a year but I've gone from a 20 to a 16 jean and to a 14/16 top instead of a 2x! I get so disgusted with that scale because it will not drop down but I am happy that I am getting smaller! I've been exercising alot and just got a new Fitbit to help me get more steps in every day! Good luck to you!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    ... You're not doing anything wrong. I think everyone here is just confused about why a number matters so much to you. If you like how you look then who cares about the number?? Your logic in this is just not making sense to anyone.

    As far as your comment to take a lighter weight over a smaller size any day is really disturbing. If you're gaining lean muscle mass you're not going to look like a body builder. I can guarantee you that.

    If you want to lose weight and lose muscle then maybe you should stop exercising... but I don't think that's healthy and I wouldn't recommend it.

    It's possible that maybe you have unrealistic goals for your weight. I would consider reevaluating that if I were you.

    That's exactly it. People who look at you can see you look great. They can't see what the scale says. The only people who know exactly what you weigh are you and maybe your doctor.

    I weighed 110 pounds in high school. I'm about 130# now, and I have about 105# of lean body weight now... the weight of my organs, muscle and bone... there's no way I could ever get to 110# again. It's would not be a realistic goal for me. But I can fit into jeans I wore then.
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    May I ask how tall are you, and how did you determine your goal weight?

    I'm 162-3 cm, aiming for 50-52 kg (5'3, 110-115). My doctor calculated the acceptable range for my height and I chose to aim for the lower end of it because I have a narrow build/small bones and look better when I'm a bit smaller. At my healthiest (that means, fairly active and eating clean), I was around that weight and maintained without trouble.

    I'm sorry if I offended anyone with my earlier post, it wasn't my intention. But try to look at it this way - just as my logic of lower weight>smaller size doesn't make sense to you; to me it's incomprehensible why anyone would think it's comforting for a weight-oriented person to hear that weighing more is "fantastic".

    I'm not under-valuating the fact that I managed to zip my pants. In fact, the first time I realized that's possible, I cried happy tears. But weight also matters a lot to me and I eventually would like to see it at least within 5 kg of my ultimate goal.

    From what I gathered from all your responses, I should stick to my diet, change up my exercise and be patient, correct?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Okay, that doesn't seem like an unreasonable goal at all.

    After you lost the 10kg, did you recalculate your caloric needs? And do you eat back your exercise calories? Sometimes you have to tweak your settings to see a difference. What we do know is you did initially lose weight, but then it stopped so that could indicate that something is now out of balance in the calories consumed / burned.