Need some advice

My target area right now is my abdomen in general but mainly my lower abs, what are some exercises you've been using that have worked for you! Thanks in advance! Any suggestions will help thank!


  • Clemens
    Clemens Posts: 78
    My target area right now is my abdomen in general but mainly my lower abs, what are some exercises you've been using that have worked for you! Thanks in advance! Any suggestions will help thank!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    for toning? I do crunches. If you jog at all, tightening your tummy while you jog really tones them up too. If you mean for fat loss... sorry, you can't target areas for that. :frown: it'll just come off when it does.
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    for toning? I do crunches. If you jog at all, tightening your tummy while you jog really tones them up too. If you mean for fat loss... sorry, you can't target areas for that. :frown: it'll just come off when it does.

    agree, you can't force fat from areas, but you can tone them! If we could, I'd NEVER have that granny jiggle triceps!
  • MisoSoup79
    MisoSoup79 Posts: 517
    Are you trying to target fat loss? Or are you already at your ideal weight and just trying to tone?

    I ask because you can't target fat loss... and so focusing all your efforts on a single area of the body is not only a fruitless effort, but it will not allow you to balance your workouts to give all your major muscle groups adequate attention. If you're trying to lose abdominal FAT, then cardio is your main ally. Overall fat loss will eventually lead to a slimmer waist.

    Now... if you're looking for some great core exercises to augment your routines or to help you tone your abs, you should do some planks, bicycle crunches, reverse crunches and maybe some weighted sit ups. Reverse crunches specifically engage the lower portion of your abdominal muscles. Planks are awesome for overall core strengthening, which helps your entire body. You can google the names of these exercises and find illustrations on how to correctly perform them. There are tons of different exercises out there and it's best to mix them up as often as possible, so your body doesn't just get used to the movements. Variety makes your muscles work harder!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    when doing your cardio make sure your stomach muscles are in and engaged.-

    there are many exercises for your abs-

    Planks and side planks are good and as you get better you could add weight to your plank poses-

    plus crunches and crunching with weighted balls or plates.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    oh yeah and a bosu ball - workout on that and it engages your core while you target other muscle groups
  • Clemens
    Clemens Posts: 78
    mainly i want to just start toning, altho i do want to lose weight in that area I know its not just goin to fall off :laugh: only wishing
  • Clemens
    Clemens Posts: 78
    I work out already 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes sometimes an hour ...
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I work out already 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes sometimes an hour ...

    cardio cardio and more cardio- and watch your caloric intake-- that is the key to weightloss- give it time stick to it and push yourself everytime you hit the gym or push play on the dvd- no shamming-- You will start to see results.