Looking for some friends?

Hi everyone. My name is Cat. I'm sure you guys get 349634697 posts from new people looking for friends, but I thought I would try it anyway.

I'm 31 and currently weigh about 256 lbs. My dream would be to lose 100 lbs, but I know that may not be realistic for me. Won't stop me from trying, though!

If anyone is looking for a new friend, please add me! :smile:


  • Hey! I'm always up for new friends!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome Cat!!
  • Me too! Anything is possible when you up your mind to it! Good Luck!
  • It sounds like we have some similar stats and goals. I'm 35 and currently weigh 242 (started at 272) and am trying to get down to 160. Would love to add some new friends!

  • KatiD83
    KatiD83 Posts: 152 Member
    I'm 28 and looking to lose 200 lbs. So far I'm down 40lbs and counting. Feel free to add me!
  • ValHallaGirl
    ValHallaGirl Posts: 73 Member
    Added you!
    I'm looking to lose 100lbs. too!
  • Added you too - need all the help, support and friendship I can get :-) New to the USA
  • groovybeenz
    groovybeenz Posts: 151 Member
    I'm looking to lose 100+ lbs. Good luck on your journey and there's a friend request on it's way.
  • I would like to be friends and if anyone wants to add me also. I'm 32, just started 2 days ago, and have 100 lbs to lose.
  • CatTutt
    CatTutt Posts: 11
    Thanks for all the hellos and the invites! I'm excited to get started here at MFP and meet some new friends!
  • rubygarcia86
    rubygarcia86 Posts: 73 Member
    welcome cat! im also looking to drop 100 but im starting slow pace :)
  • Welcome Kat, I added you too. Can't have too many friends! Good luck! :smile:
  • Ktjbd4
    Ktjbd4 Posts: 1
    Hi! I just joined and saw Cat's post. Start out by making small goals for yourself so you don't get discouraged. Congratulations on taking your first step. I have lost 125 lbs and have been able to keep it off for 2 years. I focused on 5 lb goals to keep me going.
  • Jamie145
    Jamie145 Posts: 164 Member
    i added u :) im 30 im at 237 and have lost 9 lbs on mfp!!! i love this site and always welcome new friends :)
  • jbailey14
    jbailey14 Posts: 8 Member
    I recently joined the site as well. I'm pretty new to posting on message boards as well, so be sure to cut me some slack! I didn't even realize MFP had message boards. I would love to get more involved with people on here. The more support we each have, the better!

    A little about me...
    I'm 29 and would like to be out of the plus sizes before my 30th birthday. At my largest, I weighed 370 pounds. I had originally lost a little over 100 pounds and got down to 262 in September of 2010. I quit smoking in November of 2010, got married in May of 2011, and put 50 pounds back on. My current weight is 305.4 (down from my 1/1/12 weight of 312). I am currently tracking my calories and exercise through the mobile app, but I plan to be on here much more.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone!
  • PattyfromToledo
    PattyfromToledo Posts: 74 Member
    Welcome!!! nothing is unrealistic but set your goals smaller...20-30# at a time...you are young you can do this relatively easy!!! we willall getyou through it!
  • SeekingKarma
    SeekingKarma Posts: 61 Member
    done and done :-)

    I'm SeekingKarma...I'm 23...I'm trying to lose 17 lbs...I'm a cancer, I like long walks on the beach and getting caught in the rain....
  • BarbieAnya
    BarbieAnya Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I am looking to take off 60 pounds and am looking for friends cuz I sure need some help doing this. I am finding it difficult to reach my calorie goal each day. I think I have it and then I add the exercise and it tells me to eat more.
  • Welcome. We all need friends.
  • The more friends the merrier, right? :) Welcome!