Green Tea



  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i like "real" tea, like the loose tea leaves! i think there are much more health benefits buy drinking it that way. there are certain teas that are good for certain things, and you can have fun mixing them up, and making your own flavors. you should check out the health benefits of mango tea leaves, and i find it helps give alot of flavor when mixing with green tea leaves!
  • marujita
    I agree that is an acquired taste, like coffee. But I've been drinking a lot lately and it does seem to help curb my appetite. My sister bought me a tea set from TEAVANA this xmas. I LOVED the Fruta Bomba Green Tea from there. I tastes better than regular green tea. Don't know if someone already commented this as well: try making it into iced tea if you don't like hot tea.
  • finchase
    finchase Posts: 174
    If you brew it correctly, green tea can be a delicate delight, with many having a wonderful nutty taste. However, most people don't know how to brew green tea correctly. First, it should not be brewed the same as black tea. The water for green tea should never be boiling. It should only be steaming briskly--approximately 180 F if you have a thermometer. A full boil, which is required for black tea, is 212 F. The maximum amount of time I steep loose green tea is 2 minutes. For a tea bag, I'd cut that in half, as the leaf is broken and will be stronger tasting when it steeps.

    Loose leaf is 10x better than tea bags, and that goes for black or oolong tea as well. The best leaf is sold for loose consumption. The worst quality goes into tea bags.
  • LadyFaile
    Some things that can make a big difference when brewing tea.

    1. Bagged tea tends to be made from poorer quality tea leaves when compared to loose leaf teas.
    2. When using loose leaf teas, don't pack them into a tiny tea ball. They need room to spread out to brew properly.
    3. Use water that is the correct temperature, if it's too hot it will scorch the leaves making the tea bitter. An easy cheat is to place 1-2 ice cubes on the leaves and poor the hot water over the ice cubes. It protects them from being scorched by the hot water and cools it down to the correct temperature.
    4. Make sure to brew the tea for the correct amount of time. If you brew it too long, it can also cause the tea to become bitter. To make the tea stronger, add more tea leaves and brew for the same amount of time.

    Hope this helps.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I have Trader Joe's organic cranberry green tea. You don't boil the water...should be hot right under boiling. I like it so much, I drink it unsweetened. It smells really good, even before you make it.

    You can also drink it cold, too. It's pricey, but I don't drink it every day.
  • Jeanmbalent
    I tend to grab an iced green tea from starbucks (unsweetened of course!) or use their Zen tea bags. Zen is a blend of lemongrass, mint and green tea so it helps mellow out the flavor.
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    So, I'm trying to drink Green Tea daily... due to all the health benefits that I have read about!!! Really excited about trying it... Only one problem.... Ummm I don't like tea at all.... I bought some Lipton Mandarin Orange Flavored Green Tea and ummm I really don't like it... I drank it anyway, but it just tastes like bad water..... Can anyone enlighten me to what I can do to help with the taste and still reap the benefits... What flavors are best... How long am I supposed to let the bag "brew" I did 2 mins like the box said and it tasted like dirty water with a little orange in it.... Any help would be appreciated as I REALLY REALLY want to do this and try to get up to 3 cups of it a day..... Thanks!!

    The best green tea ever is "Good Earth Green Tea with lemongrass" VERY good - hot or cold. Also, I drink mine mostly hot and take a tiny piece of lemon, squeeze it into my cup of tea (be sure not to get it on the bag or your tea will not taste good) and drop it in the cup and add 1 tsp of local honey.

    I get these bags at my local health food store but also found them on Amazon for cheaper.

    Best green tea you wil ever have.
  • candicejn
    candicejn Posts: 458 Member
    I add some Ideal sweetener to my tea. Usually just a half packet, enough to give it a little sweetening.
  • hwalter1
    hwalter1 Posts: 16 Member
    I like the Tazo Zen tea- minty.... or i like this Celestial seasonings Metabo-boost, green tea- a little grapefruity-citrusy...
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    I love how on top of this post there is a green tea add lol. I love my tea's not green but any other. Just add a little splenda, stevia whatever you use where you live to sweeten it up a bit.
  • gypy
    gypy Posts: 83 Member
    when on a cut, I use this:

    Saves on any bad flavours!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    The loose leaf teas have a much better taste to them! I invested in a tea cup that comes with a basket so I can steep my own leaves. We have 2 tea shops near where I live - Argo Tea and Teavana. Both have a huge selection of loose leaf teas that are delicious! I usually take my with a 1/2 teaspoon of sugar or honey or agave nectar. If I'm feeling really crazy I'll use vanilla soy creamer to sweeten my tea and give it a creamier texture :happy:
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Try some adding some honey. I drink green tea daily, but I don't do the flavored kind I use the pure green tea. It does taste a little like hot hay water but the honey helps.

    OMG so true!!!! LOLOLOL!!!!
  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 675 Member
    I drink Bigelow Green Tea with Mint with a packet of Stevia in the Raw. Its refreshing in the afternoon especially when I hit 2-3 pm slump at work.
  • arbonnefit
    arbonnefit Posts: 17 Member
    I drink the Arbonne Herbal detox tea. It has a great taste that needs nothing added to it.
  • kellasaurusrawrrex
    Bottled green tea aint as good as the naturally brewed stuff x
  • fetchfury
    fetchfury Posts: 84 Member
    have you tried white tea? it is packed with the good stuff, more than green tea! Best one is Pai Mu Tan, its delicious and refreshing.
    this is my favorite tea shop - realy good info:
  • mjmlodge
    i HATE tea but i LOVE Tazo Zen Green tea. It has mint in it...mmmm i'm going to make some now. :)
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    I drink Green tea almost daily during winter. I add a splash of OJ to mine and it sweetens it and gives it some flavor. Love!

    I'm interested in the loose leaf... HOW DO YOU MAKE IT WITH LOOSE LEAF???
  • Karmynzahringer
    Karmynzahringer Posts: 192 Member
    I recently started drinking green tea too. I add Stevia in the raw to sweeten it without adding calories. But use it sparingly, one packet is enough for two cups of tea.

    I use Stevia in the raw (the big green bag of powder is about 7 dollars at wal mart but lasts for months if used just for coffee and tea)
    We have found we like to "mix" different teas when brewing with the green tea. Usually we will use 3 bags of green tea and maybe 1 bag of the sleepytime mint tea (delicious with about 1.5tsp of stevia) or mix 3 bags green tea with one bag black or orange pekoe tea, to kind of give it a better flavor. Of course I like the green tea alone, but the rest of the family doesn't!