Looking to join the 100 pound club

Hello everyone! My name is Jodi and today was my 18th day on MFP. I love it so far. It definitely helps to keep me honest. Just the thought of putting in those extra few calories I think about sneaking makes me think twice about the decisions I make.

I'm 29 years old and I'm from Louisville, KY. I'm married to my best friend of almost 11 years (we just got married in May of 2011). I am a full time Psychology student and work full time as a Client Account Specialist for a pharmaceutical logistics company. I am currently aiming to lose 100 pounds (although a few more than that wouldn't hurt). I started the year at 312 pounds and I currently weigh in at 305.2. I would like to be out of the plus sizes before my 30th birthday, but will be super happy to just see 200 pounds.

I'm looking for people to befriend during my journey that I can support and who can also support me. I'm also looking for people who have already lost this amount (or more!) and are willing to share their wisdom with me. Any advice or suggestions are always eagerly accepted.

Good luck to everyone and I hope to hear from you soon!


  • jhale69
    jhale69 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there! I am looking to lose 100 lbs too. And my daughter says I need some friends on here to support me anyway! So I am now looking to give and get support on this go around. I travel a bunch and am always eating out! I love food and love to eat. So losing 100 lbs isn't going to be as easy as putting it on. Add me too if you would like.
  • GiiaSoCrazii
    GiiaSoCrazii Posts: 66 Member
    hey I and a lot of others have to lose 100 lbs too...ive been on here for two weeks and everyone is very supportive. add me
  • Smhurt2009
    Smhurt2009 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey Jodi,

    Welcome. I am just now returning to MFP. I was doing so well but then life took it's toll and I got sidetracked. I am motivated to lose 100lbs to get acceptedinto the Navy, I need to do this to better myself and my career so I need all the motivation I can get would be nice to have a buddy through all this too. Hope to keep in touch. Congrats on the weight already lost and Good Luck to many more down!
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    I've got lots of family down in Louisville - nice town, but crazy drivers! :)
    Welcome to MFP! I've been here a few months and really love it - it's very much changed how I choose food.

    Nice to meet you!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free

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  • Nicoletepner
    Hi there! I am brand new to the board and am looking to lose 100lbs as well. I definitely need the support and it seems to help me to support others so I am here. :)
  • phoenixheat
    I signed up for MFP about a year ago, but something in me said it was time to take is seriously. So today is the day I count as day one, and I want to lose 125 pounds. I will lose 125 pounds It is fantastic to know there is place where people can relate and support my journey and for me to support theirs! It is important to remind myself that even the jorney of a thousand miles begins with a single step...125 pounds...piece of cake! Best wishes everyone, and if you ever need support...
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    If you go to Community, Groups and search, you'll find several groups that are for folks trying to lose (or have lost) 100 lbs or more.
    This one seems to be the most frequently used...
  • jbailey14
    jbailey14 Posts: 8 Member
    I look forward to talking with you all! 2012 is the year for goals. We can do this! Thanks for all the friend requests. Good luck, everyone!
  • MrsDeathDealer
    Hi all!

    My name is Kate, and I'm 22. My ultimate goal is to lose 200 lbs, but right now I'm just focusing on 100.
    I've used mfp everyday since I downloaded the app (10 days) and so far I've lost 11 lbs! =]

    Ive been married since May 15th, my husband and I are trying to get healthier, not just for eachother but to have a healthy pregnancy when that time comes! Plus the ability to keep up with kids!

    Feel free to add me, the more support, the better!!
  • inhousecork
    inhousecork Posts: 12 Member
    soon hopefully
  • tammara221
    Hi...My name is Tammara and I am needing to lose 100 lbs as well. I have successfully done it before, but unfortunately, the 100 lbs found me again...lol. I have recently taken off 40 lbs in the last year, however now i am at a standtill. I really need some support as I have very little at home.

    Today is my first day on MFP, and so far I love it!
  • StrongerJess
    StrongerJess Posts: 185 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me. I am in the same boat.