HELP!! I need advice on workouts!

So i am 22 years old.. and I was a catcher for 14 years so therefore.. my knees are not very good.. to say the least. The doctors say I already am showing signs of arthritis. Every time i work out my knees ache afterwards and its just a pain because I want to lose weight so bad. Any advice on how to help this pain in my knees? I am not doing running as that makes them hurt worse.. I usually do the eliptical or cross ramp. I am going to start swimming again as this is less impact of course adn great for my knees, but i'd like to know some more exercises that could potentially help me. So if you got any advice just please respond to this =)


  • NikkiP80
    Swimming would definitely help - but also look into deep water running, its a really good workout, but in water and it can help strengthen your knees. The other thing I'd do is pilates, again to help strengthen all the muscles around your knees so that it makes it easier and less painful to walk.

    Not sure about cycling, but it might also pay to give it a go and see how your knees feel. Generally its less impact, but you might have to start with say 5min and then build it from there to get your knees used to it.

    Good luck and stick with it! :-)
  • vmwmvb
    vmwmvb Posts: 23 Member
    I messed my knee up in a car accident so I know your pain. When I was in rehab for it I learned different moves and exercises I could do. One cycling is a great warm up. also Water Aerobics because it does not strain them as much.

    If you really want to be able to do things with your knees again, like I do (I'm a dancer), then you will have to build the muscles around you knees up. That will stabilize and lessen the pain, though it takes time. You could google the weight lifting exercises for this or talk to a trainer at a gym.
  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    I also have bad knees, so I know your pain. It's really hard to be sedentary when you're used to being an active person. I don't know exactly what your knee issues are, but I have chondromalacia and some arthritis behind the knee caps. Some of the exercise I have been doing is just plain old walking. I walk 3 miles a day. I also do the elliptical sometimes. I do lift weights 2 times a week too. I just don't do lunges or squats. High rep low weight leg curls and extentions instead. I also ice my knees 20 min every-nite after working out. That helps keep inflamation down some. I haven't tried deep water running as the person above suggested, but I have heard too, that it's great for us crappy knee people. I know it's frustrating to hurt all the time, but eventually we do find our tolerance levels and learn the things that we can do. I hope this helps! Good luck and feel free to friend me if your looking for support from another who understands!