looking to lose about 30 pounds, would love some support! :D

I have been on fitness pal since december, but I actually got a working weight scale so now I can track my weight weekly! Anyway I am 19 year old female...and I am looking to get from 157 pounds to 120 pounds. :D:D


  • Good Luck to you, just find motivation and you will do it.
  • CMary192
    CMary192 Posts: 31 Member
    Hey! I am 20 Trying to lose 20lbs! Lets support each other! Good luck!
  • I am trying to lose 35 pounds!!! Once you get your mind set to it it's not that bad..I have already lost 13...35 more to go! I hope to get in done in 10 weeks...we shall see. Good luck!
  • Welcome! I am learning the ropes too! Add me as a friend if you would like :)