26/f that wants to lose ~30 lbs & would like some mfp friend

My title got a little wordy, but it's all true! I'm not completely new to the site but I just started regularly logging. I put on the weight gradually in the past 8 years, I'm 20 pounds down from my heaviest 2 years ago, which I hope to use as my 'before' pictures someday soon. I've gotten really active in working out and eating right for the past 3 months and feel better about myself already.

Onto things about me, I'm a med student which means much of my time right now is spent with my head in the books. I like to believe my scale in the morning and pretend it's lying to me at night. I didn't think I'd be the person to felt incomplete without going to the gym everyday, but now I am and that makes me happy. I love my natural hourglass shape and hope that getting in shape will only make it better.

I hope to find some people that will lend support and advice from people with the same goal or that have already accomplished a similar one. But really all are welcome, I'm on almost everyday and can talk (or rather write) your ear off if you can't tell already. :)


  • carolena05
    Hi! I'm a mid-twenties RN striving to lose 20 lb (and get back to my lowest adult weight) before my June wedding. Overnight shifts and the stress of wedding planning contributed to a sharp increase in my weight over a few months, and I'm tired of outgrowing my clothes. Joining another online forum where I logged all my meals and interacted daily with members was successful the first go-around, so I'm back and ready to take action.
  • maru84
    maru84 Posts: 128
    I'm 27 and looking to lose 30+ lbs as well. MFP has been fantastic at making me accountable and helping me plan- I can plan my meals ahead of time and know that I'll be under my goal. That might help while you're so busy studying.
  • moncheri80
    moncheri80 Posts: 32 Member
    Early 30's and trying to lose baby weight! I've lost almost 35, with about 20 to go :) Look forward to mutual support!
  • irisheyes42us
    i noticed that we have something in common. Your ticker bears the motto that i use all the time by Winston Churchill~ Never Never Never give up! I have lost 32lbs and want to lose 60 more this year. Want to be friends?My name is Deb, and I am a nurse. :flowerforyou:
  • NatashaK29
    Hi, I'm 29 and need to lose 30 or so pounds. My story is a lot like yours. Gained weight 6 years ago, heaviest was two years ago. Got up to 196 and that woke me up! I lost over 30lbs and kept it off for a year then last month I realized I was up to 170 again so I joined here and this time I'm gonna lose all unhealthy weight. I'm changing careers from Cert. Massage Therapist to either nursing or physical therapy. Add me if you'd like some addional support.
  • maluprincess
    Hi! I'm a mid-twenties RN striving to lose 20 lb (and get back to my lowest adult weight) before my June wedding. Overnight shifts and the stress of wedding planning contributed to a sharp increase in my weight over a few months, and I'm tired of outgrowing my clothes. Joining another online forum where I logged all my meals and interacted daily with members was successful the first go-around, so I'm back and ready to take action.

    I totally get what you mean when you say lowest adult weight! although for myself technically the word teen is still in the number that I want to get to...but nonetheless I was there once and shall get there again soon! Changes in sleep is a factor that can lead to weight gain. I don't work night shifts but I tend to stay up late at night and midnight cravings get hard to ignore. I hope we can motivate each other! june is still plenty away you'll get to your goal in no time! :)
  • maluprincess
    I'm 27 and looking to lose 30+ lbs as well. MFP has been fantastic at making me accountable and helping me plan- I can plan my meals ahead of time and know that I'll be under my goal. That might help while you're so busy studying.

    Thanks for the encouragement! I def know what you mean, logging cottage cheese does feel much better than satisfying the temporary craving for a snow ball. Although I must admit it was yummy.

    Also a question maybe you could answer! I'm eating 3 meals a day and feel full after them, some days I'll also have a snack. I (try to) work out everyday which I know adds extra calories I can use. But it seems like my last couple days I've been under my calorie intake. Should I be increasing how much I take in or trust my body's hunger gauge and ignore the *mfp gives me? Or do something else entirely! I'm open! :)
  • medgirl604

    I'm a med student who also wants to lose weight (about 25 pounds). I just started a few weeks ago but I agree, more support is good too! Accountabilty partners :)

    I know its so hard as a med student, especially with rotations and loongggg days (really, no one ever seems to understand HOW long). What helps for me

    1. I pack all my meals. yes i look like a sherpa, and yes my backpack is huge, but i pack everything because caf food sucks and vending machine food is worse

    2. i make sure that i pack all my meals in tupperwares that are 1 serving each. I usually end up eating super fast and all throughout the day, so instead of a big lunch (which i will have no time to eat) i pack 2 small lunches.

    3. i make sure to pack EXTRA food. its important so if i do have a day where i'm hungry i have healthy options to eat. its better to eat an extra few (hundred) calories of apples and veggies slices than to have a bag of chips

    4. HIGH PROTEIN. not atkins, because that's not healthy. but every meal has protein. i add nuts and seeds to my cereal, tuna or chick peas to my salads and have chicken or fish for dinner. the protein will keep you full and will prevent you from snacking

    5. do your best. youre using a ton of energy thinking and working and standing around in surgeries. dont discredit all that extra energy you use/need. so make sure you eat enough. dont feel bad if you have a day where you eat food from the caf or if you grab fast food on the way home. med school is torture and its hard to "be good." it's about doing your best!

    6. motivation. i see my best friend every 5 weeks and when i see her next i want her to be like WOW you look good. not skinny, but healthy and happy and like i havent been in the library every day sitting on my butt. which i am, but that'll be our secret.

    Also--working out. i'm not someone who will get out of bed early to go to the gym. not a chance. and i'm usually exhausted by the end of the day too. so instead of working out everyday (which is not possible) I work out for 4 hours a week. sometimes I do it in 30 min chunks, sometimes i get to go for a swim for an hour. as long as it adds to 3-4 hours a week i'm happy.

    anyways if youd like an accountability partner (in weight loss and the masochism of medical school), I'm with you on this. :) I'm about 2 weeks in and managing to keep it balanced so far. its just the beginning though...


  • Texasmomma0205
    I am early 30's Emergency Medical Responder/ Home Health Caregiver. My life can be crazy sometime and shift work stinks! I tend to grab usually the most unhealthy things on the go. I don't sleep normal hours and my body thinks that when a radio tone drops at 2 am its time to stay awake and therefore the eating begins and I have about 25 lbs to lose and hoping you and I could buddy through this as we understand the busy lifestyle and crazy hours of each other!
  • ashlet01
    I am 28, mother of two and I have lost almost 40 pounds, and I would like to lose another 25 at least! I love meeting new people who have similar goals as me.
  • annmarie31592
    wow there are lots of nurses on here! that is awesome! lol i am a freshman in college with a nursing major. I am new to this site and i am looking to lose 30 pounds. i have done it before with diet and exercise but i gained it all back. i can use all the support i can get! it is impossible to motivate myself... anyone that can is a good motivator please add me :) thanks!
  • romexican
    I started at 185 now down to 146, after having my third little one. Still working hard on losing those last 10-15 lbs. Its a daily battle :)
  • ayaravi
    ayaravi Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats! I'm a 28 and work night shift as a Respiratory Therapist and i know how horribly hard it is to eat healthy during our long busy nights. i just signed up for MFP today but have heard of great results from my coworkers who say it helps keep them accountable to making healthier choices. my goal is to loose 30+ lbs by this fall just in time for my 10yr high school reunion (YIKES).
    i wish u much luck on your journey to a new healthier you, and go ahead and add me as a friend and u can help keep me company on my way to a NEW ME!
  • Weezieishness
    Weezieishness Posts: 61 Member
    Hi I'm 26 and trying to lose around 50 or so pounds. Kinda struggled with weight most of my life, but the last few years I worked at Burger King for a while (left five months ago) and the weight slowly piled on while working there, so now comes the hard work of trying to work it off. Only just started here on MFP, but learning lots about the weight loss process here.
  • Melimoo2012
    Melimoo2012 Posts: 24 Member
    Im 28 and am currently 160 llb i want to get back down under 140 135 would be nice... 3 years ago i was at my biggest tipping the scales at 178 i worked my butt off and got down to my lowest adutl weight in 18 monts 130 but then when my boyfriend went in army 15 months ago the weight started to creep on now he is due to finish and im like of dam it need to do something fast

    i am however the fitest i been for my large size and i reguly swim i just need to monitor and take things up a peg or too looking forward to making friends along the way and getting back to a healthy happy me